

The Human Rights Student Interest Group works closely in support of the Keck Human Rights Clinic (KHRC), which is an asylum clinic in association with the national organization Physicians for Human Rights (PHR). KHRC is an independent medico-legal organization serving the greater Los Angeles area.


Tens of thousands flee their homelands each year to escape torture and persecution, and to seek refuge in the United States through legal asylum. The United States only grants asylum to 37.5% of asylum seekers.

Los Angeles is home to one of the largest populations of asylum seekers in the United States. Los Angeles immigrants seeking asylum include unaccompanied children as well as survivors of gang violence, political torture, human trafficking, genital mutilation, and gender-based persecution. Asylum seekers who have a forensic medical exam are 8 times more likely to win their asylum case than those applicants without this documentation.


  1. Justice: Members of the Human Rights Student Interest Group advocate on behalf of asylum seekers by providing pro bono forensic medical and psychological evaluations to corroborate claims of maltreatment.
  2. Education: Medical students are given the opportunity to assist with forensic evaluations and report drafting, allowing students to gain experience as advocates for health and human rights. Medical students also learn about global issues and cultural competence through assisting with these examinations.
  3. Training: The HR-SIG hosts training sessions for physicians to gain the skills necessary to perform forensic evaluations. If you are interested in hearing about or attending upcoming training sessions, please contact KHRC at contact@keckhumanrights.com