

This website is a digital resource for accessing information and discussions about Latin American politics and society. The materials are organized into six main themes or categories:  (i) pre-20th century history;  (ii) politics and democracy, (iii) states and the law, (iv) development and the environment, (v) gender, race and ethnicity, and (vi) culture and identity. The website also provides access to a comprehensive list of reports, data sources, news and media outlets, organizations, and country studies.  

Within each theme, when we present materials on specific countries, we do so in the following order:  Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean; and then South America.

Different kinds of media are organized here. These include texts, images, videos, and data. In most instances, links to the videos are provided, even though the quality of these publicly available videos is sometimes an issue. In other cases, the links will take you to a third party where the videos can be rented or acquired. This is, however, a purely educational, non-commercial site.

This is a multilingual site, with materials in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. When the content is not in English and the language is not readily apparent, the language of the material is indicated.

The materials organized in this website have been carefully evaluated and selected. The materials will also be regularly reviewed and updated. In general terms, this website emphasizes quality over sheer quantity. 


For questions or additional information, please contact Professor Gerardo Munck (munck@usc.edu).  Suggestions regarding new websites are greatly appreciated.

Website Design and Content

The design of this website is due to Sophia Ceniza, double major in International Relations and Art History with a minor in Gender and Sexuality Studies at USC.

The initial content selection was carried out by Sophia Ceniza and Gerardo Munck. Assistance in preparing the website was also provided by Hunter Hinson.

The Flower Vendor (Girl with Lilies) by Diego Rivera. Image courtesy of Norton Simon Museum