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1st Southern California Mechanics Workshop

Organizers: Shengqiang Cai (UCSD), Lihua Jin (UCLA), Qiming Wang (USC)

Southern California Mechanics Workshop is a one-day workshop, aiming to facilitate idea-exchange and collaborations among different mechanics research groups from southern California and other areas of the US. The workshop will be composed of three invited talks and multiple short sound bites (5 to 6 mins each).

The 1st Southern California Mechanics Workshop will take place at the University of California, San Diego on Jan 18th, 2020. The workshop welcomes contributions to the sound bites of any topics related to mechanics research. Thanks to the support from NSF (CMMI, MOMS program), the workshop will be free to all the attendees and lunch will be provided. Please register by clicking the following [link]. The registration will be closed on Jan 11th, 2020.

Invited speakers are:

Prof. Kaushik Bhattacharya
Howell N. Tyson, Sr. Professor of Mechanics Professor of Materials Science, Vice Provost
California Institute of Technology

Prof. Roger Ghanem
Gordon S. Marshall Professor of Engineering Technology and Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
University of Southern California

Prof. Marc Meyers
Distinguished Professor
Nanoengineering Department, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department Materials Science and Engineering Program
University of California, San Diego

Program schedule: [link]