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  • New grant funding
    Dr. Kretch was awarded the Pediatric Research Grant from the Foundation for Physical Therapy Research, for the project entitled "Development of supported overground walking in infants with Down Syndrome."
  • New job
    Dr. Kretch was officially appointed Assistant Professor of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy, effective January 1, 2024. The LDRLab journey has begun!
  • New grant funding
    Dr. Kretch was awarded a research grant from the Center for Smart Use of Technologies to Assess Real World Outcomes (C-STAR), for the project entitled "Wearable technology for measuring everyday experience in infants with cerebral palsy."
  • New grant funding
    Dr. Kretch was awarded a research grant from the American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine, funded by the National Pediatric Rehabilitation Resource Center (C-PROGRESS), for the project entitled "Dynamic body weight support for infants at risk for cerebral palsy: Immediate effects and parent perspectives."
  • New grant funding
    Dr. Kretch was awarded a research grant from United Cerebral Palsy for the project entitled "Understanding and enhancing everyday positioning experience in infants at risk for cerebral palsy."
  • New publication
    "Early mobility and crawling: Beliefs and practices of pediatric physical therapists in the United States" just published in Pediatric Physical Therapy!