Research Statement:
My research investigates the mechanisms of pain and muscle dysfunction in patients with rotator cuff (RC) tendinopathy. I will characterize the relationship between peripheral deficits and central neurophysiological changes. The peripheral metrics include electromyography, force, and kinematics, while the central changes will be identified using the functional magnetic resonance imaging. This work will identify mechanistic markers for treatment of patients with RC tendinopathy.
Office Phone: (323) 442-2089
Office: Center for Health Professionals (CHP), G12
Twitter: @heindelm
- Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Orthopedic Residency, 2020
- University of New England, Doctor of Physical Therapy, 2019
- Seattle Pacific University, B.S. Applied Human Biology, 2015
- Cavaleri R, McLain NJ, Heindel MD, Schrepf A, Rodriguez LV, Kutch JJ. Peak alpha frequency is related to degree of widespread pain, but not pain intensity or duration, among people with urologic chronic pelvic pain syndrome. J Pain. In Press.
- Vila-Dieguez O, Heindel MD, Awokuse D, Kulig K, Michener LA. Exercise for rotator cuff tendinopathy: Proposed mechanisms of recovery. Shoulder Elb. 2023;15(3):233-249. doi:10.1177/17585732231172166
- Mears C, Heindel MD, Vila Dieguez O, Michener LA. Changes in Pain-Related Fear Predict Changes in Function in Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy after Resistance Exercise. Poster Presentation, Combined Sections Meeting-APTA; Houston, TX; February 2025.
- Brown TA, Vila Dieguez O, Heindel MD, Michener LA. Earlier deltoid onset and increased rate of force development after exercise for rotator cuff tendinopathy. Platform Presentation, Combined Sections Meeting-APTA; Houston, TX; February 2025.
- McPherson DC, Vila Dieguez O, Heindel MD, Michener LA. Increase in early rate of force development predicts positive response to exercise for RC tendinopathy. Platform Presentation, Combined Sections Meeting-APTA; Houston, TX; February 2025.
- Mortazavi K., Heindel MD., Vila-Dieguez O., Michener LA. The impact of tendon structure and pain-related fear on pain outcomes in rotator cuff tendinopathy following resistance exercise. American College of Sports Medicine Southwest Annual Meeting. October 25th, 2024. Poster Presentation.
- Heindel MD., Kutch JJ., Vila-Dieguez O., Michener LA. Dual Dysfunction: Brain and Tendon Biomarkers of Recovery for Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy. International Association for the Study of Pain – World Congress of Pain. Amsterdam, Netherlands; 08/02/2024. Poster Presentation.
- Heindel MD., Vila-Dieguez O., Weiner E., Awokuse DA., Michener LA. Baseball Pitchers: An Ecological Model for Tendon Adaptation. International Shoulder Group Conference. Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 06/01/2024. Platform Presentation.
- Vila-Dieguez O, Heindel MD, McPherson D, Zipser C, Mortazavi K, Michener LA. Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy: Early, Late and Negative Response to Exercise. International Shoulder Group Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2024
- Vila-Dieguez O, Mortazavi K, Heindel MD, Michener LA. Exercise for rotator cuff tendinopathy: Greater change in tendon thickness is related to better pain and function. ORS Tendon Section Meeting, Rochester, MN, 2024
- Heindel MD., Kutch JJ., Silva, B., Vila Dieguez O., Michener LA. Motor Cortex Dual Dysfunction: Resting-state and Task-Based Activity in those with Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy. APTA Combined Sections Meeting. Boston, MA; 2/16/2024. Platform Presentation.
- Vila-Dieguez O, Heindel MD, Barros B, Michener LA. Exercise for Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy: Baseline characteristics and early change of responders versus non-responders. APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Boston, MA, 2024. Poster Presentation.
- Mears, C, Heindel M, Vila Dieguez O, Michener LA. Are Deficits in Muscle Performance Related to Psychosocial Factors in Those with Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy? APTA Annual Combined Sections Meeting, Boston, MA; February, 2024. Poster Presentation.
- Abeles R, Heindel MD, Vila Dieguez O, Silva B, Sexton T, Michener LA. Pain Catastrophizing Impacts Outcomes with Resisted Exercise: Assess Early and Often in Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy. Combined Sections Meeting-APTA; Boston, MA; February 2024. Poster Presentation.
- Heindel MD., Kutch JJ., Michener LA. Intrinsic Anterior Insula Activity Differentiates Those with Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy from Healthy Matched Controls. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. Washington DC; 11/19/2023. Poster Presentation.
- Abeles R, Vila Dieguez O, Heindel M, Dunn M, Sexton T, Michener LA. Contribution of Psychosocial Factors to Exercise Response in Participants with Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy: Pilot Study. APTA Combined Sections Meeting. San Diego, CA; 2/23/2023. Poster Presentation.
- Heindel MD., Kutch JJ., Michener LA.: Resting-State Brain Activity in Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy Revealed Trait-like Differences from Pain-Free Controls. APTA Combined Sections Meeting. San Diego, CA; 2/23/2023, Platform Presentation.
- Heindel MD., Selhorst MC.: Reliability and Validity of Pain Related Fear Outcomes Questionnaires in Adolescents with Anterior Knee Pain. APTA Combined Sections Meeting, virtual, 2/1/2021, Poster Presentation
- Heindel MD., Davis IS., Buchanan K.: Barefoot Training in Type II Posterior Tibialis Tendon Dysfunction – A Case Report. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL. 5/29/2019. Platform Presentation
To see Matthews’s full profile, please visit the COOR lab website’s “people” page