Vertex Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Southern California, Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science
Seeking one to two postdoctoral researchers to work on research problems in a variety of areas: statistics, learning, structured signal processing, active hypothesis testing, information theoretic measures, interface between machine learning and signal processing and information theory, interface between controls, signal processing and communication etc. In addition to research, duties include active participation in graduate student mentoring, proposal writing, and project reporting. High performing postdoctoral researchers are given collaboration opportunities, the chance to interact with funding agency program managers and additional mentoring towards garnering faculty positions. Past postdoctoral researchers have had PhDs in diverse areas: communications, networking, information theory, statistical signal processing and control – such diversity is welcomed. Opportunities for inter- and intra-departmental collaboration also exist. The initial contract is for one year with the possibility of renewal for an additional year (or years) given good performance. Salary is dependent on candidate experience. Candidates should be open to making contributions in one of the following application areas: biological systems (NSF, ARO MURI), underwater actuated sensor networks (ONR, NSF), structured signal processing for physical chemistry (DOE). All research problems will be jointly designed by the PI and the postdoctoral researcher. The emphasis is on theoretical research, however, postdoctoral researchers do work with real data sets and the researchers who generate these data sets. If there is interest in implementation, projects can be appropriately modified.
Recent postdoctoral researchers from the group have gone onto successful faculty positions at: UC Irvine, Purdue, IIT Delhi, CUHK Shenzhen, USTC China, Oregon State, etc.
Interested candidates should be nominated by their current advisor (doctoral or postdoctoral) – the advisor should email a cv of the candidate and a brief support statement directly to Three letters of recommendation will be requested after the nomination. Postdoctoral researchers can start immediately.