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News & Awards

May 2023–>Kara Ushijima (undergraduate student in MAD Lab) receives the Alfred Mann Institute Award for Academic Excellence by a Junior in Biomedical Engineering! Congratulations Kara!

April 2023–>Ali receives the Grodins People’s Choice Award and the 2nd Best Poster in Medical Devices and Diagnostics! Congratulations Ali on the double-win!

April 2023–>Michael Lee receives the USC’s Undergraduate Provost’s Research Fellowship. Congratulations Michael!

March 2023–>Melissa, Haozheng, and Tina join our group as PhD students! Welcome guys! We are excited to work with you.

Feb. 2023–>Congratulations to Melissa and Farbod for publication of their co-first-author paper on point-of-care sensors for female reproductive health! Read more about it here.

June 2022–>Sina passes his PhD screening exam. Congratulations Sina!

Nov. 2022–>USC News highlights our New $11.7 Million USC Center to Create Open-Source Implantables for the Nervous System. Read more here!

Nov. 2022–>Maral is featured in USC Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) Newsletter. Read more here!

Nov. 2022–>Daily Trojan Newspaper highlights our NIH Center to Create Open-Source Implantables for the Nervous System. Read more here!

Sept. 2022–>Maral receives the NIH Director’s New Innovator Award (DP2)! We are excited to develop high-risk high-reward sensors for detection of neurotransmitters. Read more about the work here (Viterbi) and here (NIH)!

June 2021–>Farbod and Shahd pass their PhD screening exams. Congratulations Farbod and Shahd!

June 2020–>Victor passes his PhD screening exam. Congratulations Victor!

Oct. 2019–>Maral visits Stanford University to attend the AGEP Research Exchange Retreat. Inspiring event on how to build and support diversity in science!

Aug. 2020–> Viterbi News highlights our work on soil sensors. This work is funded by USC’s center for sustainable solutions! Read about it here!

Nov. 2019–> Daily Trojan Newspaper highlights our work on accessible medical diagnostics! Read about it here!

Oct. 2019–> We have a student office now, and it is being renovated! Stay tuned to see how it turns out!

Oct. 2019–> Natalie, Eden, and Jady, undergraduate students from Biomedical Engineering join the lab. Welcome Guys!

Oct. 2019–> We kick off our first group meeting, we had a blast!

Sept. 2019–> We welcome the talented freshmen undergraduate students, Karen, Lydia, Keemia, and Collette to the MAD lab. Welcome Guys!

Sept. 2019–> Victor Ong, a first year PhD student joins our lab for his first rotation! Welcome Victor!

Sept. 2019–> Georgina Gemayel, a junior Undergraduate student at Environmental Science and Health joins our lab. She will work on electrochemical devices for in-field testing of soil quality. Welcome Georgina!

Sept. 2019–> We start our lab renovations to design a space that meets our needs! Stay tuned to see our new space!

Aug. 2019–> Maral joins the University of Southern California, Department of Biomedical Engineering, as an Assistant Professor. Excited to be part of the USC family!

May 2023–>Mona (postdoc in our lab) receives the SPARC Diversity and Inclusion Travel Award Competition to present her work in the NIH Brain Initiative Meeting! Congratulations Mona!

May 2023–>Kara Ushijima (undergraduate student in MAD Lab) receives the Alfred Mann Institute Award for Academic Excellence by a Junior in Biomedical Engineering! Congratulations Kara!

April 2023–>Victor receives the Most Disruptive Award from USC Stevens Center for Innovation. Congratulations Victor and keep up the good work!

April 2023–>Ali receives the Grodins People’s Choice Award for his work on microneedle sensors. Congratulations Ali!

April 2023–>Michael Lee receives the USC’s Undergraduate Provost’s Research Fellowship. Congratulations Michael!

April 2023–>Ali receives the Grodins Award for the 2nd Best Poster in Medical Devices and Diagnostics. Congratulations Ali!

Nov. 2022–> Our lab is part of a new $11.7 Million USC Center to Create Open-Source Implantables for the Nervous System! We will be developing implantable electrochemical sensors! Read more about it here!

Sept. 2022–>Maral receives the NIH Director’s New Innovator Award (DP2)! We are excited to develop high-risk high-reward sensors for detection of neurotransmitters. Read more about the work here (Viterbi) and here (NIH)!

Jan. 2021–>Maral receives the 3M Nontenured Faculty Award to develop wearable sensors for wound healing!

Aug. 2020–>We receive funding from Center for Sustainable Solutions to develop low-cost sensors for electrolytes! Read more about it here!

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