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Welcome to our annual TMS certification course; My name is Beth Fisher and I am the director of the Neuroplasticity and Imaging Laboratory. My formal TMS training was under the guidance of Alvaro Pascual-Leone, MD, PhD. In August of 2006, my lab group offered the USC TRANSCRANIAL MAGNETIC STIMULATION COURSE (TMS): Methods and Practice. The course is designed for graduate students, researchers, and clinicians who are interested in studying brain function by using TMS. This is a 4-day intensive training course in the theory and practice underlying the use of TMS in brain research. The course uses both lecture and laboratory format. The course includes hands-on practice of all the most commonly used TMS research techniques including single pulse, paired-pulse, repetitive TMS and brain navigation system (Brainsight). We have conducted this course annually (2006-2009, 2013-2015) have attracted researchers from around the world.

2016 course is slated for July and will be a 5-day course including all Non-Invasive Brain Imaging Techniques (TMS, tDCS)