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Facilities and Equipment

The Neuroplasticity and Imaging Laboratory (NAIL)is a 400 ft2 room located in the Center for Health Professions Building (CHP-210B). This space is dedicated for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) studies. The laboratory is geographically close to both USC Physical Therapy Associates clinics that treat the entire faculty and student population at USC. NAIL is located adjacent to the Neurology Faculty Practice with direct access to physicians with specialization in seizure management.

Work conducted in the NAIL utilizes the full spectrum of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) research techniques including single pulse, paired-pulse, and repetitive TMS. We have 3 TMS units consisting of a Magstim 2002, MagstimBiStim2, and Magstim Super Rapid2Plus1. We have a number of TMS coil sincluding a Double 70 mm Remote Control Coil; two Custom Double 50mm Coil and two 70 mm Double Cone Coils. Magstim SuperRapid2 Plus1 Set-up is capable of all rTMS applications including theta burst: Rapid2Unit1 x Dual Power Supply Modules; User Interface (UI);Rapid2 MEP Option; 70 mm Rapid2 Air Cooled Coil Including: Air Extractor Unit; Coil Stand; and Rapid2 Trolley.

Each data collection system has a CED Power1401 data acquisition interface and runs Signal v6 software for TMS and EMG signal capture and TMS trigger control, a Motion Lab Systems EMG systems(one MA-300-06 system with 6 EMG channels and one MA-300-16 with 16EMG channels; each with a range 0 to 2kHz -3dB, 4 research channels(0 to 120Hz), and 8 event switch channels). Included with each EMG system are preamplifiers capable of supporting both surface and fine wire EMG.

Brainsight Frameless System:
For Image Guided TMS/Neuronavigation: we have aBrainsight Frameless System including an ApplePowerMac for Brainsight Neuronavigation: Brainsight Subject Chair,Brainsight v2.3 software, Northern Digital Passive Polaris tracking camera, Styrofoam-Head, Passive Pointer, Basic Tracker Kit, Coil Tracker Kit, Subject Tracker Kit, Calibration Tool, Head & Coil Holder Kit, and passive subject support system.