Where are they now?

Graduate Student Alumni


Jai Sharma, Ph.D.- “Probing Pressure-Induced Mechanical and Optical Dynamics in Rare Earth Orthophosphates
Senior Test Engineer

Anna Braun, Ph.D.- “Study of Fracture Morphology During (100) GaAs Spalling and Overgrowth Behavior on Spalled GaAs Facets by Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy
**NSF GRFP Fellowship, Research Scientist

Sarah Boardman, Ph.D.- “Understanding the Influence of Process Parameters on the Mechanical Properties of Alumina Formed Through Lithography-Based Additive Manufacturing
Senior Engineer

Allison Perna, M.S.- “Surface Texturing and Anisotropic Growth Evolution in Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy
Research Associate

**Employment represents entry position, not current position.


Jason Chenenko, M.S.- “The Role of Offcut and Spall Direction in Surface Morphology of Spalled (110) GaAs”
Materials Scientist


Noor Alkurd, Ph.D.- “Demonstration of Functional III-V Photovoltaic Cell via Processing of Porous Ge Substrates”
Field Process Engineer

Brett Ley, M.S.- “Wafer-Scale Controlled Spalling and Reuse of (100)-Oriented Germanium”
SIMS Senior Analyst


Dustin Crouse, M.S.– “Controlled Spalling in (100)-Oriented Germanium by Electroplating”
Senior Application Development Engineer

Taylor Wilkinson, Ph.D.- “Characterization of Ferroelasticity in Rare-Earth Orthophosphates by Nanoindentation”
Senior Development Scientist

Matthew Musselman, M.S.- “In Situ Raman Spectroscopy of Pressure-Induced Phase Transformations in DyPO4 and GdxDy(1-x)PO4
Materials & Process Engineer


Cassi Sweet, Ph.D.- “Spalling Fracture in (100) Gallium Arsenide”
Module Development Engineer


Taylor Wilkinson, M.S.- “High Resolution Mechanical Property Mapping in Oil Shales”


Cassi Sweet, M.S.- “Short-Term Failure and Degradation in Concentrator Photovoltaics”


Grant Klafehn, M.S.-“Creating a Variable Humidity, Variable Temperature Environment for the Mechanical Testing of PEM Fuel Cell Electrolytes via Nanoindentation”

Post-Doctoral Associate Alumni

Dr. Michael Walden, 2023-2024: Spalling modeling & development

Dr. Jie Chen, 2019-2021: Germanium Spalling
Development Engineer

Dr. George Burton, 2020: III-V Interface Characterization
Materials Research Engineer

Dr. Rachel Schoeppner, 2017-2019: Metallic Glass Discovery
Cleanroom Manager

Dr. Yachao Chen, 2018: Thin Film Piezoelectric Discovery
Teaching Assistant Professor

Dr. Dong Wu, 2016-2017: Thin Film Piezoelectric Discovery
Assistant Professor

Dr. Jason Fish, 2014: Rare Earth Orthophosphate Synthesis
Product Engineer

Dr. Mukesh Kumar, 2011-2013: Thin Film Oxide Characterization
Associate Professor