Where Did All The Corner Drug Stores Go? Areas Lose Easy Access To Medicine

WBEZ Chicago, January 24, 2018. You’ve heard of food deserts — often low-income neighborhoods that are more than a mile from a grocery store. Now another service desert is on the rise in these same neighborhoods: pharmacy deserts. As pharmacies slowly begin to close down on Chicago’s South and West sides, residents are finding it…Continue Reading Where Did All The Corner Drug Stores Go? Areas Lose Easy Access To Medicine

Access to Pharmacies Increasingly Difficult on South, West Sides

WTTW News, January 23, 2018. In recent years, pharmacies have increasingly become frontline health care providers, offering a range of services from drug counseling to immunizations to physicals. But in poor communities of color on the West and South Sides of the city, many pharmacies have closed their doors, creating so-called “pharmacy deserts.” These areas…Continue Reading Access to Pharmacies Increasingly Difficult on South, West Sides