Pandemic highlights importance in fighting ‘pharmacy deserts,’ especially in communities of color

ABC Action News Tampa Bay, February 22, 2022 By  Chris Stewart “A pharmacy desert is a neighborhood where the majority of the population lives more than a mile or a half a mile–depending on their income and vehicle ownership–from their nearest pharmacy in urban areas,” said University of Southern California associate professor Dima Qato. Qato…Continue Reading Pandemic highlights importance in fighting ‘pharmacy deserts,’ especially in communities of color

Access for All

AACP, February 14, 2022 By Jane E. Rooney As pharmacy deserts proliferate, more must be done to examine barriers to access and prepare future pharmacists to address the needs of underserved communities. The term “pharmacy deserts” is popping up with greater frequency as pharmacy closures become more widespread and independent pharmacies struggle to survive in…Continue Reading Access for All

7 Foods That Don’t Mix With Prescription Drugs

AARP, February 3, 2022 By Stacey Colino, AARP Certain fruits, veggies, snacks and drinks can be problematic when combined with some common medications It’s routine to ask your doctor or pharmacist if a new prescription drug could interact with other medications you’re taking. But have you inquired about potentially problematic foods? It turns out, a…Continue Reading 7 Foods That Don’t Mix With Prescription Drugs