USC experts discuss how repeal of Roe v. Wade’s would impact maternal welfare

USC Press Room, May 5, 2022 Sanctuary states should improve access to emergency and preventive contraception “Expanding access to birth control — emergency and preventive contraception — at local pharmacies should also be prioritized. All pharmacies should be required to carry and mandated to dispense birth control to anyone that requests it with or without…Continue Reading USC experts discuss how repeal of Roe v. Wade’s would impact maternal welfare

Who gets abortions in US? CDC data offers snapshot of which groups typically seek procedure

ABC News, May 6, 2022 By  Denise Dador According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, abortion is an important component of public health. The most recent data from 2019 offers a snapshot of which groups seek the procedure. As the data shows, barring access from the procedure would disproportionately affect young women. As…Continue Reading Who gets abortions in US? CDC data offers snapshot of which groups typically seek procedure

If Supreme Court abortion ruling overturns Roe v. Wade, here are 5 things that could happen next

USC News, May 6, 2022 By  Leigh Hopper The Supreme Court’s leaked draft opinion that could reverse Roe v. Wade has many people wondering what a post-Roe landscape might look like. Dima Qato, an associate professor at the USC School of Pharmacy and senior fellow at the USC Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy…Continue Reading If Supreme Court abortion ruling overturns Roe v. Wade, here are 5 things that could happen next