Women and Adolescent Girls Face Barriers Accessing Contraceptives – Even in Blue States Like California

USC Schaeffer Center, June 24, 2022 The recent Supreme Court ruling striking down Roe v. Wade will likely result in 26 states implementing laws that restrict or ban access to abortion services. In many of these states, the legislation is so sweeping, it will also impact emergency contraceptives like Plan-B—also known as the “morning after”…Continue Reading Women and Adolescent Girls Face Barriers Accessing Contraceptives – Even in Blue States Like California

FTC Launches Inquiry Into Prescription Drug Middlemen Industry

FTC, June 7, 2022 Agency to Scrutinize the Impact of Vertically Integrated Pharmacy Benefit Managers on the Access and Affordability of Medicine The Federal Trade Commission announced today that it will launch an inquiry into the prescription drug middleman industry, requiring the six largest pharmacy benefit managers to provide information and records regarding their business…Continue Reading FTC Launches Inquiry Into Prescription Drug Middlemen Industry

Misinformation Clouds America’s Most Popular Emergency Contraception

KHN, Sarah Varney, June 7, 2022 At a moment when half of U.S. states stand poised to outlaw or sharply curtail abortion services, the last-ditch pill for women aiming to stave off an unwanted pregnancy rests in the unlikely stewardship of two private equity firms whose investment portfolios range from Italian foods to vineyard management…Continue Reading Misinformation Clouds America’s Most Popular Emergency Contraception