Risk for Heart Attack, Stroke or Death Can Double or Triple in Older Adults Concurrently Taking Multiple Medications with Cardiovascular Side Effects

USC Schaeffer Center, July 27, 2022 Using multiple medications with known cardiovascular adverse effects at the same time doubled, and sometimes tripled, the risk for a heart attack, stroke or death among older adults with no prior cardiovascular disease, according to new research published in Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety.   “Although the cardiovascular risks of…Continue Reading Risk for Heart Attack, Stroke or Death Can Double or Triple in Older Adults Concurrently Taking Multiple Medications with Cardiovascular Side Effects

LA pharmacies fall short on Plan B and other contraceptive access

KCRW, July 2, 2022 Janaya Williams The Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade has some people worried that access to birth control will be next on the chopping block. But beyond the legal ramifications of a post-Roe nation, there are already major barriers to accessing contraception even in blue states like California and liberal…Continue Reading LA pharmacies fall short on Plan B and other contraceptive access