If Supreme Court abortion ruling overturns Roe v. Wade, here are 5 things that could happen next

USC News, May 6, 2022 By  Leigh Hopper The Supreme Court’s leaked draft opinion that could reverse Roe v. Wade has many people wondering what a post-Roe landscape might look like. Dima Qato, an associate professor at the USC School of Pharmacy and senior fellow at the USC Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy…Continue Reading If Supreme Court abortion ruling overturns Roe v. Wade, here are 5 things that could happen next

Pandemic highlights importance in fighting ‘pharmacy deserts,’ especially in communities of color

ABC Action News Tampa Bay, February 22, 2022 By  Chris Stewart “A pharmacy desert is a neighborhood where the majority of the population lives more than a mile or a half a mile–depending on their income and vehicle ownership–from their nearest pharmacy in urban areas,” said University of Southern California associate professor Dima Qato. Qato…Continue Reading Pandemic highlights importance in fighting ‘pharmacy deserts,’ especially in communities of color

Access for All

AACP, February 14, 2022 By Jane E. Rooney As pharmacy deserts proliferate, more must be done to examine barriers to access and prepare future pharmacists to address the needs of underserved communities. The term “pharmacy deserts” is popping up with greater frequency as pharmacy closures become more widespread and independent pharmacies struggle to survive in…Continue Reading Access for All

One Chicago pharmacy avoids creating another drugstore desert by tapping into its deep roots

Fortune, December 22, 2021. By Markian Hawryluk and Kaiser Health News Like other community pharmacists nationwide, Muldrow has seen private insurers steer his customers toward their own allied chain, mail-order and specialty pharmacies. Urban independent pharmacies, particularly those in low-income Black and Latino communities, have been more likely to close than chain drugstores. “There’s really no financial…Continue Reading One Chicago pharmacy avoids creating another drugstore desert by tapping into its deep roots

Pharmacy Deserts Hinder Medications Access in Segregated Black and Latino Neighborhoods

Public Health Post, December 2, 2021. Pharmacies are an important part of the health care system because they dispense prescription and over-the-counter medications and increasingly provide preventative services, including Covid-19 testing and immunization. However, geographic access to pharmacies varies throughout the US, especially in segregated American cities. Disparities in pharmacy access impact medication adherence, or…Continue Reading Pharmacy Deserts Hinder Medications Access in Segregated Black and Latino Neighborhoods

What do CVS store closures say about the future of pharmacies?

NPR Morning Report, November 19, 2021. Caroline Champlain– CVS says it is planning to close about 900 stores over the next three years, starting in 2022. The company says it’s an effort to review the retail side of its business, and focus on more health care services. But when it comes to choosing which stores…Continue Reading What do CVS store closures say about the future of pharmacies?

60% of Indianapolis neighborhoods are ‘pharmacy deserts’

Fox 59 News, October 25, 2021. INDIANAPOLIS– For many Hoosiers, filling their prescriptions can be a roadblock to getting healthier. That’s because many Indiana cities don’t have a pharmacy in their neighborhood. Dr. Dima Qato, from USC’s School of Pharmacy, coined the term pharmacy desert. She explained to Edmé the pandemic further impacted this health…Continue Reading 60% of Indianapolis neighborhoods are ‘pharmacy deserts’

Event Recap | Transformation Series: Evolution of the Pharmacist | 9.24.2021

Health Care Council of Chicago, September 24, 2021. On September 24, the Health Care Council of Chicago (HC3) hosted a discussion to address challenges to medication compliance, address barriers to medication access, and examine the solutions and opportunities there are to address these inequities through innovation and policy-reform. Event Recap Panelist Introductions Dima M. Qato,…Continue Reading Event Recap | Transformation Series: Evolution of the Pharmacist | 9.24.2021

NCPA partners with USC School of Pharmacy on access efforts

NCPA. September 9, 2021. The National Community Pharmacists Association is working with the University of Southern California School of Pharmacy and Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics to tackle barriers to pharmacy access, including closures. The organizations’ Pharmacy Access Initiative will generate real-time information for various officials, academics and industry leaders to…Continue Reading NCPA partners with USC School of Pharmacy on access efforts

Opioid Overdose Risk Appears Higher in Older Americans, USC Study Indicates

USC Press Room, September 8, 2021. One in 10 adults were at risk of overdose, with older Americans relying on high doses of opioids more than younger adults, researchers found in a national sample of prescription claims. Recent research led by USC School of Pharmacy Associate Professor Dima M. Qato aims to fill that knowledge gap. The…Continue Reading Opioid Overdose Risk Appears Higher in Older Americans, USC Study Indicates