While observing what sparked anger within me over the last week I noticed that I became “angered” quite easily. But, on Monday I read an article that put my “anger” into perspective and allowed me to recognize what I thought was “anger” was actually only frustration and/or disappointment. However, true anger was brought out in me from the article I read. A friend is one of four boys in his family. 2/4 of the sons were diagnosed with cancer a few years ago. The youngest brother had been diagnosed and undergoing treatment when the second child was diagnosed. On Monday CHLA published an article about there family. It helped me put into perspective what I thought was “anger” and helped me to realized that what I was “angry” with was only actually frustration or disappointment and it was so minor compared to what others are facing. However, what made me really angry and upset is cancer. Cancer is so upsetting and so evil. Both sons fought hard and luckily are both in remission, but it doesn’t make me any less angry that such a good family would have to experience this trauma with not one son but two sons. It also made me angry that you could be the healthiest person in the world and still get cancer. What was most frustrating to me though is that that there has been so much money donating yet there is still no cure.