I started this project thinking about ways to make something unexpected happen that would make you angry. In this space, I started to consider the nice smooth path rocks that people tend to paint or carve into. I also thought about the act of turning over rocks and finding unexpected things – for example, a worm or bug. I tend to create a lot of strange characters, and thought it might be fun to try to create my own character within the rock. This character would mimic online “trolls,” insulting the user as they turn over the rock hoping to find something nice.
I casted the rock based on an actual rock I borrowed from the Roski path. I vacuum formed it and used a piece of foam to make sure that the form would be hollow.
I then created my troll from clay. I wanted him to say something insulting, but I couldn’t figure out what would hit the hardest. I thought about some generic insults like “You’re so ugly.” or “Made you look.” I also got some super specific suggestions like “This assignment sucks” or insulting specific people, which I thought might be taking it too far. Finally, I settled on something in between that also insults myself – “IYA SUX.”
He broke in the oven so I had to superglue him back together.
I had to hollow out the concrete rock by using a popsicle stick and sanding paper to remove the foam.
Finally, I superglued him into the rock. He didn’t fit at first since the baking process kind of warped him, so I had to break off a hand and leg to redo his stance.
Here’s a photoshoot: