A letter, earrings, plants, and a terranium .. 

A letter, earrings, plants, and a terranium ..  

Love and slow communication

I am preparing a card for a loved one (it is a memento to signify that I’m thinking of them). What is the ‘pace’ of love?

Interactions: choose, write, doodle, lick, walk, drop in mail box, wait, trust, hope, sustain a thought.


ss-love ss-love 
A little nook where I rotate earrings of the week (or the month). Getting ready in this spot provides me a pleasurable ritual to help face the day.

Interactions: choose, wear, carefully take out and put back, empty, admire, tidy.

Love, and tending to others (including plants)


Tending to others in my home, tending to plants.. all contribute to feelings of well-being.

Interactions: move into sunlight (a ritual of light and space), water, add fertilizer, throw away old leaves, touch soil to check quality, enjoy, communicate with plants..

Surprise! .. a terranium in a computer lab??


I was working in a computer science lab, and was delighted to notice a terranium hidden behind a computer on one of the window sills.

The lab itself is very sparse and most objects are synthetic, so it was a nice curious surprise to find this. I asked around and found out that this belongs to one of my class’ TAs.

This terranium makes me feel a little bit better when my code is not executing. The urgency of being ‘productive’ or ‘correct’ lessens ..

Interaction: notice, feel curious, feel delight, feel caring/tenderness in contrast to the inorganic machines in the room, feel inspired, ask about this