I wanted to show anger through texture of a group of objects. I notice I get agitated when seeing incoherent and inconsistent surfaces. I started off modeling some object with visual inconsistency.
However, after asking people in the shop for feedback, the word I’m getting the most is ‘cute’, which doesn’t match up with the emotion I’m trying to create.
Therefore I started off making an anger moodboard.
This led me to my second and third round of design. I made molds through vacuum forming and casted multiple concrete blocks. Through experimenting with the texture, density, opacity and creating contrast by adding materials (paper, dragon skin etc.), I tried to create objects that elicit emotion of disgust and agitation through touching and feeling the objects. A lot of the surface inspirations come from everyday environment I see around me that is disturbing and made things look out of place. (e.g. peeling wall, graffiti, teared down posters, broken object etc)