apple in progress

Benji the Apple

I came into this project thinking about conveying love through the act of giving fruit, something my parents, grandparents, and friends have done with me throughout my lifetime. Therefore, I wanted to create some fruit out of fabric. However, I also wanted to add an extra level of interactivity to the object.

When thinking about what i wanted to do, I thought about the DIY microwavable hand warmers that I had seen people make that seemed simple enough – just fill some fabric something to retain heat. Some options were cherry pits and buckwheat husks, but the most accessible material to me was rice, so that’s what I went with. I also found out that in order for it to be microwavable, the material had to be 100% natural, so I got 100% cotton from the Fabric district of LA. I thought my thread was cotton but it turned out not to be. However, I discovered this after I had already sewn a good amount, so I thought it would be ok.

apple in progress

I followed this pattern: and I laser cut the pattern from the fabric I bought. I then spent way too long hand sewing him together.

Here he is hanging out in my room.

apple on chair apple on shelf apple in microwave apple being microwaved