PhD Physics, Princeton University, 2011
Miller Postdoctoral Fellow 2011-2013
Atomic Physicist, Information Sciences Institute
Justin Brown is an experimental physicist and is leading ISI’s quantum sensing efforts with the establishment of a new atom-based sensing laboratory. He joins ISI after 10 years of research in industry with extensive experience in atomic magnetometry and matterwave interferometry. At ISI, he plans to develop new atom-based measurement techniques and sensor architectures in warm atomic vapors as well as cold atom systems. These developments are aimed at help move atom-based sensors outside the research laboratory.
Selected Publications
- Justin M. Brown and Thad. G. Walker. [INVITED] Perspective: Fundamentals and Emerging Directions of Atom-Based Sensors. Phys. Rev. A (in preparation)
- Paul Hamilton, Matt Jaffe, Justin M. Brown, Lothar Maisenbacher, Brian Estey, and Holger Müller. Atom Interferometry in an Optical Cavity. Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 100405 (2015). (editors’ suggestion)
- M. Smiciklas, J.M. Brown, L.W. Cheuk, S.J. Smullin, and M.V. Romalis. New Test of Local Lorentz Invariance Using a 21Ne-Rb-K Comagnetometer. Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 171604 (2011).
- J.M. Brown, S.J. Smullin, T.W. Kornack, and M.V. Romalis. New limit on Lorentz- and CPT-Violating Neutron Spin Interactions. Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 151604 (2010).
- G. Vasilakis, J.M. Brown, T.W. Kornack, and M.V. Romalis, Limits on New Long Range Nuclear Spin-Dependent Forces Set with a K-3He Comagnetometer. Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 261801 (2009). (editors’ suggestion)