CS 582 News

  • 10/9/13 – Starting tomorrow, Thursday, October 10, the class will meet down the hall in KAP 158, and will have a bit more space.
  • 10/2/13 – Due to the football game on Thursday evening, we delay the midterm to Tuesday, October 15, at the usual class time and place. Keep checking this site because I am trying to get a bigger room for the exam and will announce it here.
  • 9/8/13 – Assignment 2 is out in the course web site.
  • 8/19/13 – I have installed the latest versions of Java and Java 3D on my PC and they seem to be working fine, at least with my standard examples. The version numbers are jdk1.7.0_25 and j3d1.5.2. You need to install java and j3d in your PC (see instructions in the Java Info page of this site). When you are ready to submit your program log into the scf computing facility and ftp your files to it. From the scf account then use the “submit” program to send me your files as explained in the “Programming Assignments” page of the cs582 web site. Regardless of how you choose to develop your code, please make sure that it runs in a PC with the Java and Java 3D versions indicated above. We will not be using other platforms for grading or attempting to convert between platforms.
  • 8/19/13 – To access the class account and see the examples, log into your account in scf and “cd ~cs582/public/java”. Note that if you just “cd ~cs582” you will not be able to list the directory, but you will be able to “cd public” and “cd public/java”. The full path of the account is “/auto/home-scf-07/cs582” or “/home/scf-07/cs582”, depending on where you are. Read the README file when you get into the “java” directory.
  • 8/19/13 – Welcome! The first class is on Tuesday at 11:00 am in KAP 138.
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