Name: Nikita Advani
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Nikita Advani is the Association President, in which she enjoys guiding the organization to enhance the residential experience and develop student leaders. Nikita is in her second year of a Business Administration and Accounting double major with a minor in International Relations. In her free time she loves to venture out into LA and find new pop up museums, or just explore areas she has not been to before.
She joined Community Council her first year at USC and loved being able to meet so many new people that were in her council and in her community. Her experience in RHA really empowered her to be more confident and pusher her outside of her comfort zone. Because of this, she decide to run for President of RHA this year and provide the same empowerment to the other growing leaders in the organization. She encourages all students to join RHA and have fun with their friends while learning to be stronger leaders on campus.
Duties of the President: Oversees the larger RHA structure, leads the RHA meetings, and manages the Executive Board responsibilities. This individual plays a large role in developing the Community Council Presidents.