Laboratory-Scale Porous Media and Materials
Development of Reactive Force Fields for Molecular Dynamics Simulations using Quantum-Mechanical Calculations and Density-Functional Theory
Molecular Dynamics, Monte Carlo, and Pore-Network Simulation of Adsorption, Flow and Transport
Fluid Flow and Transport in Deformable Porous Media
Flow and Transport in Nanostructured Materials
Flow and Adsorption in Silicon-Carbide and Carbon Nanotubes
Polymer-Nanotubes Composites
Fabrication and Characterization of High-Porosity Porous Materials
Dynamics of Complex Phenomena Involving Biological Molecules
Protein Folding
Protein Folding, Aggregation, and Fibril Formation in Confined Media
Dynamics of Tumor Growth and Factors Affecting it
Flow and Transport in Large-Scale Porous Media
Characterization and Modeling, Including Multipoint Geostatistical Simulation and Reconstruction Methods
Modeling, Upscaling and Simulation of Fluid Flow and Transport as Applied Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
Salt Transport and Precipitation in Porous Media
Speeding up Computations using Wavelet and Curvelet Transformations
Application of Deep Learning to Complex Systems