The Midcentury Spa-Tels of Desert Hot Springs
New alumna (and Save As producer) Willa Seidenberg has enjoyed the mineral-water spas of Desert Hot Springs for decades. In the 1950s, the Coachella Valley town became a destination for middle- and working-class families who frequented the simple spa motels, or “spa-tels.” Willa and co-host Cindy Olnick took a road trip to Desert Hot Springs to see the remaining spa-tels and talk about Willa’s thesis, Spa City: The Midcentury Spa-Tels of Desert Hot Springs. You’ll hear about Willa’s research journey down rabbit holes that led to valuable discoveries. You’ll also learn about tools the town could use to boost its economy by celebrating its heritage.

Willa Seidenberg (MHC ’23) is a recent graduate of the University of Southern California’s Master in Heritage Conservation program. She recently retired from 23 years of teaching audio journalism at USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. She plans to spend her time in retirement making podcasts, traveling, reading, doing yoga, and keeping a foot firmly planted in the heritage conservation world.
Learn More
The Midcentury Spa-Tels of Desert Hot Springs by Willa Seidenberg
Desert Hot Springs Historical Society
USC Heritage Conservation Programs
Your Hosts

Co-host Trudi Sandmeier is the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Director of Graduate Programs in Heritage Conservation, and Professor of Practice at the USC School of Architecture. Her work centers on the conservation of the recent past and the impact of under-recognized communities on the historic built environment. Read more in her USC faculty bio.

Co-host Cindy Olnick serves as both Associate Director of Heritage Conservation at USC and a communications consultant for heritage conservation, historic preservation, and the built environment. Read more in her USC faculty bio.

Podcast producer Willa Seidenberg taught audio journalism and podcasting at USC’s Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism, while pursuing a USC Master of Heritage Conservation degree. She retired from teaching and earned her degree in 2023.
A 20-year broadcast journalist and an inaugural fellow with USC’s Center for Excellence in Teaching, Willa founded Annenberg Radio News, the university’s radio news operation; and Intersections South LA, a reporting lab and community website for South Los Angeles.
With photographer William Short, Willa is the author of two oral history/photo projects: A Matter of Conscience: GI Resistance During the Vietnam War and Memories of the American War: Stories From Viet Nam.