Documenting Black Women’s History at the Wilfandel Clubhouse Dedicated students at the University of Southern California have pulled out the laser scanners and measuring tapes to document the Wilfandel Clubhouse in the West Adams neighborhood of Los Angeles. The Wilfandel
Save As | NextGen Heritage Conservation Posts
Documenting Black Women’s History at the Wilfandel Clubhouse Cindy Olnick 00:00Today on Save As… Eliza Jane Franklin 00:01This is really a hidden gem. So many of these places and spaces that will uplift the Black community are often hidden, or they’re unacknowledged……
The Midcentury Spa-Tels of Desert Hot Springs New alumna (and Save As producer) Willa Seidenberg has enjoyed the mineral-water spas of Desert Hot Springs for decades. In the 1950s, the Coachella Valley town became a destination for middle- and working-class
The Midcentury Spa-Tels of Desert Hot Springs Trudi Sandmeier 0:00Today on Save As… Willa Seidenberg 0:01I always loved it, A: because the spa water is amazing. And, B: the minute I get to the desert I relax. Trudi Sandmeier 0:17Welcome……
The Hidden Heritage of San Francisco’s Fisherman’s Wharf A San Francisco native, alumna Emi Takahara always wondered why so many locals dismiss the historic Fisherman’s Wharf as a tourist trap. Sure, it has overpriced food, but it also has a
The Hidden Heritage of San Francisco’s Fisherman’s Wharf Cindy Olnick 0:00Today on Save As … Emi Takahara 0:01People don’t really know about the Italian and Sicilian heritage, or even the early people, the Yelamu that lived there, they’re not thinking……
Rehabbing Old Houses into Affordable Housing Trudi Sandmeier 0:00Today on Save As… Isabel Thornton 0:01It’s the whole effect of that in a neighborhood when you have a blighted or vacant home and a home that has just not seen……
Rehabbing Old Houses into Affordable Housing Alumna Isabel Thornton grew up in the Rust Belt town of Roanoke, Virginia. After graduating from USC, she eventually returned home and took note of the city’s beautiful Victorian homes, many vacant and in
[Update] Meet You at Lenchita’s Alumna Sara Delgadillo grew up in Pacoima, a blue-collar neighborhood in L.A.’s San Fernando Valley. Sara joined us in Season One to discuss how growing up in Pacoima influenced her life, studies, and career in
[Update] Meet you at Lenchita’s Cindy OlnickHello, Save As listeners, this is Cindy Olnick here, and we are very excited to bring you a brief update on a very important topic that we covered in the very first season. We……