People in the Valley: North Hollywood teen finds a passion for science, gets dose of real life

By Marianne Love, Los Angeles Daily News

Samiha Mahin is a student at Francisco Bravo Medical Magnet High School, and one of 600 students who have participated in the USC STAR/EHA program for aspiring scientists. Los Angeles, CA 11/1/2017 (Photo by John McCoy, Los Angeles Daily News/SCNG)

Samiha Mahin, a 17-year-old high school senior from North Hollywood, has an insatiable thirst for knowledge.

It’s what led her to a program at the USC School of Pharmacy. That’s where she commutes to after attending high school in L.A., where she’s built on her interest in the study of human reproduction.

She studies chemical effects on male reproductive organs, and during her first three years in high school, she was part of a research team studying artificial wombs.

But for Samiha, the daughter of Bangladeshi immigrants, the complications from premature births became not just the topic of a science fair research project. It became real-life.

Shortly after completing the project for the science fair, her brother Nibbir was born prematurely. Like many premature babies, he was born with several genetic disorders. Suddenly, science fair research became real life for Samiha.

Read the full story on Los Angeles Daily News here.

Watch Mahin’s ABC7 Cool Kid segment. Read the original story here.