The group of Prof. Alexandre Blais at the Institut quantique invites applications for open postdoctoral scholar positions in the general areas of theoretical quantum information science and quantum optics. Areas of interest include superconducting quantum circuits, circuit QED, quantum error correction, microwave quantum optics and machine learning. More information on the group can be found at
Applicants should be highly motivated and have a strong background in one of the above-mentioned subjects. The appointments are expected to be for 2 years. The start date is flexible. To apply, please submit a cover letter and a CV including publications using AcademicJosbOnline. Applicants should also arrange to have two references sent in support of the application using AcademicJobsOnline. For more information, or to apply online, go to
Applications should be submitted by December 12, 2019, although applications submitted later may be considered until the positions are filled.