Postdoc Position, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

We are pleased to announce a joint post-doc position in the groups of Eric Chitambar (ECE) and Felix Leditzky (Mathematics) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). This is a two-year position for a project focusing on state identification problems in quantum information science. Specific goals include finding optimal measurements in constrained environments and designing efficient implementations on near-term quantum hardware. Qualified candidates are expected to have a strong background in quantum information theory, quantum computation, and/or quantum complexity.

This position is part of a larger collaboration with IBM through the newly established Illinois-IBM Discovery Accelerator Institute, and the postdoc will have the possibility to conduct some of the research at IBM. In addition, the postdoc will be part of the Illinois Quantum Information Science and Technology center (IQUIST) community, consisting of research faculty, other postdocs, and students across multiple departments. This will provide other opportunities for collaboration and scientific exchanges in quantum information science.

The position is intended to start in early 2022, but the starting date is flexible. All interested and qualified candidates should apply by sending a CV directly to Felix Leditzky (leditzky -at- and Eric Chitambar (echitamb -at- Please arrange for two or three recommendation letters to be sent to the same addresses. Review of applications will begin December 1, 2021.

Feel free to contact us at the email addresses listed above if you have any questions.