If you are contacting the CCRDC for the first time, you may find the following information helpful. If you are contacting us about a new research project, we suggest that you contact the administrator at the site where you would conduct your research. If you need assistance with a policy or business matter, please contact the Executive Director of the RDC where you are interested in working.
USC Staff Directory
Name | Title | Phone number | E-mail address |
Joseph Saraceno | USC RDC Administrator | (213) 740-8541 | joseph.c.saraceno@census.gov |
Lab – USC |
UCLA Staff Directory
Name | Title | Phone number | E-mail address |
Sullivan, John | UCLA RDC Administrator | (310) 267-5191 | john.sullivan@census.gov |
Lab – UCLA | (310) 825-0960 |
UC Berkeley Staff Directory
Name | Title | Phone number | E-mail address |
Andrus, Angela | UCB and Stanford RDC Administrator | (510) 643-2262 | angela.andrus@census.gov |
Stiles, Jon | Director of Research | (510) 642-3149 | jons@berkeley.edu |
Lab – Berkeley | (510) 643-2349 |
Stanford Staff Directory
Name | Title | Phone number | E-mail address |
Andrus, Angela | Standford RDC Administrator | (650) 736-0882 | angela.andrus@census.gov |
Lab – Standford | (650) 725-6653 |
UCI Staff Directory
Name | Title | Phone number | E-mail address |
Pulles, Stephanie | UCI RDC Administrator | (949) 824-5474 | stephanie.a.pulles@census.gov |
Lab – UCI |
Executive Directors Directory
Name | Title | E-mail address |
Stiles, Jon | UC Berkeley | jons@berkeley.edu |
Wachter, Till von | UCLA | tvwachter@econ.ucla.edu |
Snipp, Matthew | Stanford | snipp@stanford.edu |
Rodney Ramcharan | USC | rramchar@marshall.usc.edu |
Matthew Freedman | UCI | matthew.freedman@uci.edu |
RDC Administrators:
University of Southern California
California Census Research Data Center
University of Southern California
3717 South Grand Ave., Room 301C
Los Angeles, CA 90007
4284 Public Affairs Building
Box 957236 (for snail mail)
337 Charles E. Young Dr, East (for FedEx/UPS)
Los Angeles, CA 90095
California Census Research Data Center
UC Berkeley
356 Barrows Hall #3030
Berkeley, CA 94720-3030
California Census Research Data Center
Stanford University
30 Alta Road
Stanford, CA 94305-8710
California Census Research Data Center
UC Irvine
3151 Social Sciences Plaza
Irvine, CA 92697-5100