Li Shen, Guang-Wei Zhang, Can Tao, Michelle Seo, Nicole Zhang, Junxiang J. Huang, Li Zhang, Huizhong Tao. A bottom-up reward pathway mediated by somatostatin neurons in the medial septum complex underlying appetitive learning. Nature Communication. 2022 link to the paper
Guang-Wei Zhang, Li Shen, Can Tao, Bo Jung, A-Hyun, Peng, Zhong Li, Li Zhang, Huizhong Tao. Medial preoptic area antagonistically mediates stress-induced anxiety and parental behavior. Nature Neuroscience. 2021 link to the paper Featured by Nature Neuroscience News and Views link
Li Zhong, Jin-Xing Wei, Guang-Wei Zhang, Junxiang J. Huang, Brian Zingg, Xiyue Wang, Huizhong W. Tao, Li I. Zhang. Corticostriatal control of defense behavior in mice induced by auditory looming cues. Nature Communication. 2021 link to the paper
Qi Fang, Xiao-lin Chou, Bo Peng, Wen Zhong, Li I. Zhang, Huizhong Whit Tao. A Differential Circuit via Retino-Colliculo-Pulvinar Pathway Enhances Feature Selectivity in Visual Cortex through Surround Suppression. Neuron. 2019 link to the paper
Guang-Wei Zhang, Li Shen, Zhong Li, Huizhong Whit Tao, Li I. Zhang. Track-Control, an automatic video-based real-time closed-loop behavior control toolbox. Biorxiv. 2019 link to the paper
Guang-Wei Zhang, Li Shen, Wen Zhong, Ying Xiong, Li I. Zhang, Huizhong Whit Tao. Transforming Sensory Cues into Aversive Emotion via Septal-Habenula Pathways. Neuron. 2018 link to the paper
Beautiful art, plus- Transformation of sensory cues into negative #emotion. Xiong, Zhang, Tao & colleagues https://t.co/8obcJrrmmZ pic.twitter.com/zEgCePPaac
— Neuron (@NeuroCellPress) September 12, 2018
Xiao-lin Chou, Xi-yue Wang, Zheng-gang Zhang, Li Shen, Brian Zingg, Jun-xiang Huang, Wen Zhong, Lukas Mesik, Li I. Zhang, Huizhong Whit Tao. Inhibitory Gain Modulation of Defense Behaviors by Zona Incerta. Nature Communications. 2018 link to the paper
Guang-Wei Zhang, Wen-Jian Sun, Brian Zingg, Li Shen, Jufang He, Ying Xiong, Huizhong Whit Tao, Li I. Zhang. A Non-canonical Reticular-Limbic Central Auditory Pathway via Medial Septum Contributes to Fear Conditioning. Neuron. 2018 link to the paper
Leena A Lbrahim, Junxiang J Huang, Sheng-zhi Wang, Young J Kim, Li I Zhang, Huizhong W Tao. Sparse Labeling and Neural Tracing in Brain Circuits by STARS Strategy: Revealing Morphological Development of Type II Spiral Ganglion Neurons. Cerebral Cortex, 2018 link to the paper
Feixue Liang, Haifu Li, Xiao-lin Chou, Mu Zhou, Nicole K Zhang, Zhongju Xiao, Ke K Zhang, Huizhong Whit Tao, Li I. Zhang. Sparse Representation in Awake Auditory Cortex: Cell-type Dependence, Synaptic Mechanism, Developmental Emergence, and Modulation. Cerebral Cortex, 2018 link to the paper
Miao Jing, …Lukas Mesik,…Li I Zhang, ….Julius Zhu, Yulong Li. A Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Acetylcholine Indicator for In Vitro and In Vivo Studies. Nature Biotechnology 2018 link to the paper.
Haifu Li, Feixue Liang, Wen Zhong, Linqing Yan, Lucas Mesik, Zhongju Xiao, Huizhong Whit Tao, Li I. Zhang. Synaptic Mechanism for Bandwidth Tuning in Awake Mouse Primary Auditory Cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 2018 Link to the paper
Brian Zingg, Hong-Wei Dong, Huizhong Whit Tao, Li I. Zhang. Input-output organization of the mouse claustrum. The Journal of Comparative Neurobiology, 2018 link to the paper
Brian Zingg, Xiaolin Chou, Zhengang Zhang, Lukas Mesik,Feixue Liang, Huizhong Tao, Li I. Zhang. AAV-Mediated Anterograde Transsynaptic Tagging: Mapping Corticocollicular Input-Defined Neural Pathways for Defense Behaviors. Neuron. 2017. (F1000) link to the paper
Can Tao, Guang-Wei Zhang, Chang Zhou, Lijuan Wang, Sumei Yan, Huizhong Whit Tao, Li I. Zhang, Yi Zhou, Ying Xiong. Diversity in Excitation-Inhibition Mismatch Underlies Local Functional Heterogeneity in the Rat Auditory Cortex. Cell Rep. 2017 link to the paper
Ya-Tang Li, Qi Fang, Li I. Zhang, Huizhong Whit Tao. Spatial Asymmetry and Short-Term Suppression Underlie Direction Selectivity of Synaptic Excitation in the Mouse Visual Cortex. Cereb Cortex. 2017 link to the paper
Leena Ali Ibrahim, Lukas Mesik, Xuying Ji, Ya-Tang Li, Brian Zingg, Li I. Zhang, Huizhong Whit Tao. Cross-modality Sharpening of Visual Cortical Processing through Layer-1 Mediated Inhibition. Neuron 2016 link to the paper
Kim YJ, Wang SZ, Tymanskyj S, Ma L, Tao HW, Zhang LI.Dcc Mediates Functional Assembly of Peripheral Auditory Circuits. Sci Rep. 2016 link to the paper
Can Tao, Guang-Wei Zhang, Chang Zhou, Lijuan Wang, Sumei Yan, Zhang LI, Zhou Y, Xiong Y. Synaptic Basis for the Generation of Response Variation in Auditory Cortex. Sci Rep.2016 link to the paper
Salehi P, Myint A, Kim YJ, Ge MX, Lavinsky J, Ho MK, Crow AL, Cruz C, Monges-Hernadez M, Wang J, Hartiala J, Zhang LI,Allayee H, Lusis AJ, Ohyama T, Friedman RA. Genome-Wide Association Analysis Identifies Dcc as an Essential Factor in the Innervation of the Peripheral Vestibular System in Inbred Mice. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. 2016 link to the paper
Zhou, M., Li, Y.T., Yuan, W., Tao, H.W., Zhang, L.I.Synaptic mechanisms for generating temporal diversity of auditory representation in the dorsal cochlear nucleus. Neurophysiol. 113:1358-1368 (2015). Epub 2014 Dec 4.
Liang,F., Xiong, XR., Zingg, B., Ji, X., Ibrahim, LA., Zhang, LI.*, Tao, HW*. Sensory Cortical Control of a Light Induced Arrest Behavior via Corticotectal Projections. Neuron May 6;86(3):755-67. doi: 10.1016 (2015). link to the paper
Xiong, XR., Liang,F., Zingg, B., Ji, X., Ibrahim, LA., Tao, HW., Zhang, LI., Auditory Cortex Controls Sound-driven Innate Defense Behavior through Corticofugal Projections to Inferior Colliculus. Nature Communication, Jun 11;6:7224. doi: 10.1038 (2015). link to the paper
Ji, X., Mesik, L., Xiao, Z., Zhang, LI.,Tao, HW. Thalamocortical Innervation Pattern in Mouse Auditory and Visual Cortex: Laminar and Cell-Type Specificity. Cerebral Cortex May 15. pii: bhv099. [Epub ahead of print] (2015).
Mesik, L., Ma,WP., Li, LY., Ibrahim, LA., Huang, ZJ., Zhang, LI., Tao, HW. Functional Response Properties of VIP-expressing Inhibitory Neurons in Mouse Visual and Auditory Cortex. Neural Circuits(2015, in press)
Li, YT., Liu, BH., Chou, XL., Zhang, LI., Tao, HW. Synaptic Basis for Differential Orientation Selectivity between Complex and Simple Cells in Mouse Visual Cortex. J Neurosci.35(31):11081-93. (2015).
Kim, YJ., Ibrahim, LA., Wang, SZ., Evgrafov, OV., Knowles, JA., Wang, K., Tao,HW., Zhang, LI. EphA7 Regulates Spiral Ganglion Innervation of Cochlear Hair Cells. Neurobio.Jul 16. doi: 10.1002/dneu.22326. [Epub ahead of print] (2015)
Li LY, Xiong XR, Ibrahim LA, Yuan W, Tao HW, Zhang LI. Differential Receptive Field Properties of Parvalbumin and Somatostatin Inhibitory Neurons in Mouse Auditory Cortex. Cereb Cortex.2014 Jan 14. [Epub ahead of print]
Li YT, Liu BH, Zhang LI,Tao HW. Strengthening of Direction Selectivity by Broadly Tuned and Spatiotemporally Offset Inhibition in Mouse Visual Cortex. Cereb Cortex.2014 Mar 20. [Epub ahead of print]
Zhou M, Liang FL, Xiong XR, Li L, Li H, Xiao Z, Tao HW, Zhang LI.Laminar-specific Scaling Down of Balanced Excitation and inhibition in Auditory Cortex by Active Behavioral States. Nature Neuroscience, 2014 Apr 20. [Epub ahead of print]
Mark Albers; Grover Gilmore; Jeffrey Kaye; Claire Murphy; Arthur Wingfield; David Bennett; Adam Boxer; Aron Buchman; Karen Cruickshanks; Davangere P Devanand; Charles J Duffy; Christine M Gall; George A Gates; Ann-Charlotte Granholm; Takao Hensch; Roee Holtzer; Bradley T Hyman; Frank R Lin; Ann C McKee; John C Morris; Ronald C Petersen; Lisa C Silbert; Robert C Struble; John Q Trojanowski; Joe Verghese; Donald Wilson; Shunbin Xu; Li I Zhang. At the interface of sensory and motor dysfunctions and Alzheimer’s Disease. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, (accepted 2014; authors listed alphabetically), review.
Li, L.Y., Ji, X.Y., Liang, F., Li, Y.T., Xiao, Z., Tao, H.W., Zhang, L.I.A feedforward inhibitory circuit mediates lateral refinement of sensory representation in upper layer 2/3 of mouse primary auditory cortex. Neurosci.34:13670-13683 (2014).
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Li, L., Li, Y.T., Zhou, M., Tao, H.W., and Zhang, L.I. Intracortical multiplication of thalamocortical signals in mouse auditory cortex. Nature Neuroscience16(9):1179-81, (2013).
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Zhou M, Tao HW, & Zhang, L.I.Generation of intensity selectivity by differential synaptic tuning: fast-saturating excitation but slow-saturating inhibition. J Neurosci.32, 18068-78 (2012).
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