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Tracking, diagnosing and impeding dielectric breakdown in polymers

The primary objective of this integrated research program is to understand how insulators behave when exposed to high electric fields, and to design materials that are tolerant to enormous electric fields for application in high voltage, high energy density capacitor technologies. We seek to achieve this objective through state-of-the-art “scale-bridging” computations, synthesis, processing, and electrical characterization, and through the creation of a relational database.

Our team performs:

  1. computational synthesis of amorphous polymers and prediction of
    their dielectric properties
  2. nonadiabatic quantum molecular dynamics simulations of
    polymers under large electric field

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Priya Vashishta University of Southern California
Rampi Ramprasad (PI) Georgia Institute of Technology
Yang Cao University of Connecticut
Gregory Sotzing University of Connecticut
Mukerrem Cakmak Purdue University
Mike Fayer Stanford University

Sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR)

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