I am a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Southern California. My areas of expertise are software engineering and programming languages — I develop mathematically rigorous methods (formal methods) for principled design of software to improve safety, security, and fairness.
Research topics: formal verification, program synthesis, concurrency, side channel, AI safety
Some of my talks (videos):
- Differential Verification of Deep Neural Networks (CMU AI Seminar, 2023)
- Data-Driven Synthesis of a Provably Sound Side-Channel Analysis (Simons Institute, 2021)
- Adversarial Symbolic Execution for Detecting Timing Side-Channel Leaks (Keynote at KLEE Workshop, 2021)
- Synthesizing Runtime Enforcers for Cyber Physical Systems (UC Irvine SE Symposium, 2020)
Some talks I moderated (videos):
- Quantifying Information Leakage Using Model Counting (CAV 2020 Tutorial given by Tevfik Bultan)
- Towards Robust AI via Specification-Consistent Machine Learning (CAV 2020 Keynote given by Pushmeet Kohli)