
      • Former students

        Dissertation: Side-channel Security Enabled by Program Analysis and Synthesis
        ACM SIGPLAN Distinguished Paper Award (2023)
        First employment: Assistant Professor at Purdue University
        Dissertation: Constraint Based Analysis for Persistent Memory Programs
        First employment: Goldman Sachs
        Dissertation: Formal Analysis of Data Poisoning Robustness of K-Nearest Neighbors
        First employment: Oracle
        Dissertation: Differential Verification of Deep Neural Networks
        First employment: Amazon
        Dissertation: Constraint-based Program Analysis for Concurrent Software
        First employment: Amazon
        Dissertation: Analysis and Enforcement of Properties in Software Systems
        ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award (2018) 
        First employment: Ant Financial
        Dissertation: Efficient Symbolic Execution of Concurrent Software
        ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award (2018) 
        First employment: Baidu X-Lab
        Dissertation: Constraint-based Thread-Modular Abstract Interpretation
        NSF GRFP Fellowship (2016), Bradley Fellowship (2014)
        First employment: Google
        Dissertation: Runtime Verification and Debugging of Concurrent Software
        First employment: Oracle
        Dissertation: Constraint-based Program Synthesis for Embedded Software
        FMCAD Best Paper Award (2014) 
        First employment: Assistant Professor at AAST Egypt
        Thesis: Constraint Solving for Diagnosing Concurrency Bugs
        First employment: Microsoft
        Thesis: Dynamic Invariant Generation for Concurrent Programs 
        First employment: Bloomberg
        Thesis: Verifying Quantitative Relaxation of Linearizability via Refinement 
        First employment: Intel