

Su CY, Liu TY, Wang HV, Hughes MW, Chuong CM, Yang WC. Histological characterization of γδ T cells in cutaneous wound healing in Fraser’s dolphins (Lagenodelphis hosei). Dev Comp Immunol. 2025 Feb; 163:105326.

Wang D, Jiang J, Wang M, Li K, Liang H, Wang N, Liu W, Wang M, Zhou S, Zhang M, Xiao Y, Shen X, Li Z, Wu W, Lin X, Xiang X, Xie Q, Liu W, Zhou X, Tang Q, Zhou W, Yang L, Chuong CM, Lei M. Mitophagy Promotes Hair Regeneration by Activating Glutathione Metabolism. Research (Wash D C). 2024 Aug 1; 7:0433.


Ramos R, Swedlund B, Ganesan AK, Morsut L, Maini PK, Monuki ES, Lander AD, Chuong CM, Plikus MV. Parsing patterns: Emerging roles of tissue self-organization in health and disease. Cell. 2024 Jun 20;187(13):3165-3186.

Liu W, Jiang J, Li Z, Xiao Y, Zhou S, Wang D, Zou Y, Liu T, Li K, Liang H, Wang N, Xiang X, Xie Q, Zhan R, Zhang J, Zhou X, Yang L, Chuong CM, Lei M. Energy competition remodels the metabolic glucose landscape of psoriatic epidermal cells. Theranostics. 2024 May 27;14(8):3339-3357.

Tseng CC, Woolley TE, Jiang TX, Wu P, Maini PK, Widelitz RB, Cheng-Ming C. Gap junctions in Turing-type periodic feather pattern formation. PLoS Biol. 22:e3002636. 

Chen CK, Chang YM, Jiang TX, Yue Z, Liu TY, Lu J, Yu Z, Lin JJ, Vu TD, Huang TY, Harn HI, Ng CS, Wu P, Chuong CM, Li WH. Conserved regulatory switches for the transition from natal down to juvenile feather in birds. Nat. Commun. 15:4174, 2024.

Zhou S, Li Z, Li X, Ye Y, Wang M, Jiang J, Tao L, Wang Y, Tung CT, Chung Y, Kim E, Shen X, Xu X, Xiang X, Xie Q, Zhang J, Wu W, Lin X, Chuong CM, Lei M. Crosstalk between endothelial cells and dermal papilla entails hair regeneration and angiogenesis during aging. J Adv Res. S2090-1232(24)00183-8, 2024.

Ou K-L, Chen C-K, Huang JJ, Chang WW, Hsieh-Li SM, Jiang T-X, Widelitz RB, Lansford R, Chuong C-M. Adaptive patterning of vascular network during avian skin development: Mesenchymal plasticity and dermal vasculogenesis. Cells Dev. 28:203922, 2024.


Jiang T, Secor M, Lansford R, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM. Using Avian Skin Explants to Study Tissue Patterning and Organogenesis. J Vis Exp. 2023 Sep 15.

Lei M, Jiang J, Wang M, Wu W, Zhang J, Liu W, Zhou W, Lai YC, Jiang TX, Widelitz RB, Harn HI, Yang L, Chuong CM. Epidermal-dermal coupled spheroids are important for tissue pattern regeneration in reconstituted skin explant cultures. NPJ Regen. Med. 8:65, 2023.

Chuang TC, Cheng JW, Chuong C-M, Tuan W-T. Autofluorescence microscopy as a non-invasive probe to characterize the complex mechanical properties of keratin-based integumentary organs: A feather paradigm. Chin. J. Phys. Oct, 2023.

Lei M, Harn HI-C, Li Q, Jiang J, Wu W, Zou W, Jiang T-X, Wang M, Zhang J, Lai Y-C, Juan W-T, Widelitz RB, Yang L, Gu Z-Z , Chuong-C-M. The mechano-chemical circuit drives skin organoid self-organization. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 130: e2221982120, 2023

Tseng CC, Woolley TE, Jiang TX, Wu P, Maini PK, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM. Gap junctions in Turing-type periodic feather pattern formation. bioRxiv. 2023.04.15.537019.

Shkhyan R, Flynn C, Lamoure E, Sarkar A, Van Handel B, Li J, York J, Banks N, Van der Horst R, Liu NQ, Lee S, Bajaj P, Vadivel K, Harn HI, Tassey J, Lozito T, Lieberman JR, Chuong CM, Hurtig MS, Evseenko D. Inhibition of a signaling modality within the gp130 receptor enhances tissue regeneration and mitigates osteoarthritis. Sci Transl Med. 15:eabq2395, 2023. 

Harn HI, Davidson JM, Chuong CM. Bioinspired Strategies for Wound Regeneration. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 15:a041240, 2023 


Harn HI, Chiu PY, Lin CH, Chen HY, Lai YC, Yang FS, Wu CC, Tang MJ, Chuong CM, Hughes MW. Topological Distribution of Wound Stiffness Modulates Wound-Induced Hair Follicle Neogenesis. Pharmaceutics.14:1926, 2022.

Yue Z, Yang F, Zhang J, Li J, Chuong CM. Regulation and dysregulation of hair regeneration: aiming for clinical application. Cell Regen. 11:22, 2022.

Su CY, Wang HV, Hughes MW, Liu TY, Chuong CM, Yang WC. Successful Repigmentation of Full-Thickness Wound Healing in Fraser’s Dolphins (Lagenodelphis hosei). Animals (Basel). 12:1482, 2022.

Su, CY, Hughes MW, Liu T-Y, Chuong CM, Wang  HV, Yang, W-C. Defining Wound Healing Progression in Cetacean Skin: Characteristics of Full-Thickness Wound Healing in Fraser’s Dolphins (Lagenodelphis hosei). Animals (Basel). 12:537, 2022.


Lei M, Lin SJ, Chuong CM. Editorial: Hair follicle stem cell regeneration in aging. Front Cell Dev Biol 9:799268, 2021.

Li J, Lee MO, Chen J, Davis BW, Dorshorst BJ, Siegel PB, Inaba M, Jiang TX, Chuong CM, Andersson L. Cis-acting mutation affecting GJA5 transcription is underlying the Melanotic within-feather pigmentation pattern in chickens. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.  118:e2109363118, 2021. 

Lin GW, Lai YC, Liang YC, Widelitz RB, Wu P, Chuong CM. Regional Specific Differentiation of Integumentary Organs: Regulation of Gene Clusters within the Avian Epidermal Differentiation Complex and Impacts of SATB2 Overexpression. Genes (Basel). 12:1291, 2021.

Wu H, Chiu YK, Tsai JC, Chuong CM, Juan WT. A quantitative image-based protocol for morphological characterization of cellular solids in feather shafts. STAR Protoc 2:100661, 2021.

Wu P, Jiang TX, Lei M, Chen CK, Li SH, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM. Cyclic growth of dermal papilla and regeneration of follicular mesenchymal components during feather cycling. Development. dev. 198671, 2021. 

Jiang TX, Li A, Lin C-M, Chiu C, Cho J-H, Reid B, Zhao M, Chow RH, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM.  Global feather orientations changed by electric current. iScience. 24: 102671, 2021.

Lin GW, Liang YC, Wu P, Chen CK, Lai YC, Jiang TX, Haung YH, Chuong CM. Regional specific differentiation of integumentary organs: SATB2 is involved in α- and β-keratin gene cluster switching in the chicken. Dev Dyn. 396, 2021. 

Yue Z, Lei M, Paus R, Chuong CM. The global regulatory logic of organ regeneration: circuitry lessons from skin and its appendages. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc .  brv.12767, 2021. 

Harn HI, Wang SP, Lai YC, Van Handel B, Liang YC, Tsai S, Schiessl IM, Sarkar A, Xi H, Hughes M, Kaemmer S, Tang MJ, Peti-Peterdi J, Pyle AD, Woolley TE, Evseenko D, Jiang TX, Chuong CM. Symmetry breaking of tissue mechanics in wound induced hair follicle regeneration of laboratory and spiny mice. Nat Commun. 12:2595, 2021.

Schwochow D, Bornelöv S, Jiang T, Li J, Gourichon D, Bed’Hom B, Dorshorst BJ, Chuong CM, Tixier-Boichard M, Andersson L. The feather pattern autosomal barring in chicken is strongly associated with segregation at the MC1R locus. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. 2021 Apr 1. doi: 10.1111/pcmr.12975.

Chen CK, Juan WT, Liang YC, Wu P, Chuong CM. Making region-specific integumentary organs in birds: evolution and modifications. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 69:103-111, 2021.

Li J, Lee MO, Davis BW, Wu P, Hsieh Li SM, Chuong CM, Andersson L. The crest phenotype in domestic chicken is caused by a 197 bp duplication in the intron of HOXC10.
G3 (Bethesda).  9;11:jkaa048, 2021.

Harn HI, Chen CC, Wang SP, Lei M, Chuong CM. Tissue Mechanics in Haired Murine Skin: Potential Implications for Skin Aging. Front Cell Dev Biol. 9:635340, 2021.

Qiu W, Gu PR, Chuong CM, Lei M. Skin Cyst: A Pathological Dead-End With a New Twist of Morphogenetic Potentials in Organoid Cultures. Front Cell Dev Biol. 8:628114, 2021.

Chen PC, Kuo YC, Chuong CM, Huang YH. Niche Modulation of IGF-1R Signaling: Its Role in Stem Cell Pluripotency, Cancer Reprogramming, and Therapeutic Applications. Front Cell Dev Biol. 8:625943, 2021.

Li A, Zhou J, Widelitz RB, Chow RH, Chuong CM. Integrating Bioelectrical Currents and Ca 2+ Signaling with Biochemical Signaling in Development and Pathogenesis. Bioelectricity. 2:210-220, 2021.


Weber EL, Lai YC, Lei M, Jiang TX, Chuong CM. Human Fetal Scalp Dermal Papilla Enriched Genes and the Role of R-Spondin-1 in the Restoration of Hair Neogenesis in Adult Mouse Cells. Front Cell Dev Biol 8:583434, 2020.

Hsiao YT, Chen TC, Yu PH, Huang DS, Hu FR, Chuong CM, Chang FC. Connectivity between nidopallium caudolateral and visual pathways in color perception of zebra finches. Sci Rep 10:19382. 2020.

Brink KS, Wu P, Chuong CM, Richman JM. The Effects of Premature Tooth Extraction and Damage on Replacement Timing in the Green Iguana. Integr Comp Biol 60:581-593, 2020.

Inaba M, Chuong CM. Avian Pigment Pattern Formation: Developmental Control of Macro- (Across the Body) and Micro- (Within a Feather) Level of Pigment Patterns. Front Cell Dev Biol. 8:620, 2020.

Wang S, Chang WL, Zhang Q, Ma M, Yang F, Zhuo D, Hans HI, Yang R, Wu P, Habib M, Juan WT, Chuong CM. Variations of Mesozoic feathers: Insights from the morphogenesis of extant feather rachises. Evolution. 2020.

Liang YC, Wu P, Lin GW, Chen CK, Yeh CY, Tsai S, Yan J, Jiang TX, Lai YC, Huang D, Cai M, Choi R, Widelitz RB, Lu W, Chuong CM. Folding Keratin Gene Clusters During Skin Regional Specification. Dev Cell 53:561-576, 2020.

Rattanachan ST, Srakaew NL, Thaitalay P, Thongsri O, Dangviriyakul R, Srisuwan S, Suksaweang S, Widelitz Rฺ, Chuong CM, Srithunyarat T, Kampa N, Kaenkangploo D, Hoisang S, Jittimanee S, Wipoosak P, Kamlangchai P, Tuchpramuk P.  Development of Injectable Chitosan/Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Bone Cement and In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation. Biomedical Materials. 2020.


Yen YT, Chien M, Lai YC, Chen DP, Chuong CM, Hung MC, Hung SC. PP2A Deficiency Enhances Carcinogenesis of Lgr5+ Intestinal Stem Cells Both in Organoids and In Vivo. Cells 9:90, 2019.

Chang W-L, Wu H, Chiu Y-K, Wang S, Jiang T-X, Luo Z-L, Lin Y-C,Ang Li, Hsu J-T, Huang H-L, Gu H-J, Lin T-Y, Yang S-M, Lee T-T, Lai Y-C, Lei M, Shie M-Y, Yao C-T, Chen Y-W, Tsai JC, Shieh S-J, Hwu Y-K, Cheng H-C, Tang P-C, Hung S-C, Chen C-F, Habib M, Widelitz RB, Wu P, Juan W-T, Chuong C-M. The Making of a Flight Feather: Bio-architectural Principles and Adaptation. Cell 179, 1409–1423, 2019.

Shen WC, Lai YC, Li LH, Liao K, Lai HC, Kao SY, Wang J, Chuong CM, Hung SC. Methylation and PTEN activation in dental pulp mesenchymal stem cells promotes osteogenesis and reduces oncogenesis. Nat Commun. 10:2226, 2019.

Wu XS, Yeh CY, Harn HI, Jiang TX, Wu P, Widelitz RB, Baker RE, Chuong CM. Self-assembly of biological networks via adaptive patterning revealed by avian intradermal muscle network formation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 116:10858-10867, 2019

Plikus MV, Chuong CM. Understanding Skin Morphogenesis Across Developmental, Regenerative and Evolutionary Levels. Exp Dermatol. 28: 327-331, 2019

Lee YS, Liang YC, Wu P, Kulber DA, Tanabe K, Chuong CM, Widelitz R, Tuan TL. STAT3 Signaling Pathway is Implicated in Keloid Pathogenesis by Preliminary Transcriptome and Open Chromatin Analyses. Exp Dermatol. 28: 480-484,  2019.

Inaba M, Harn HI, Chuong CM. Turing patterning with and without a global wave. PLoS Biol. 17:e3000195, 2019.

Inaba M, Jiang TX, Liang YC, Tsai S, Lai YC, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM. Instructive role of melanocytes during pigment pattern formation of the avian skin. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 116:6884-6890, 2019.

Jiang TX, Harn HI, Ou KL, Lei M, Chuong CM. Comparative regenerative biology of spiny (Acomys cahirinus) and laboratory (Mus musculus) mouse skin. Exp Dermatol. 28: 442-449, 2019

Weber EL, Woolley TE, Yeh CY, Ou KL, Maini PK, Chuong CM. Self-organizing hair peg-like structures from dissociated skin progenitor cells: New insights for human hair follicle organoid engineering and Turing patterning in an asymmetric morphogenetic field. Exp Dermatol. 28:355-366, 2019.

Lin CH, Chiu PY, Hsueh YY, Shieh SJ, Wu CC, Wong TW, Chuong CM, Hughes MW. Regeneration of rete ridges in Lanyu pig (Sus scrofa): Insights for human skin wound healing. Exp Dermatol. 28: 472-479, 2019.

Widelitz RB, Lin GW, Lai YC, Mayer JA, Tang PC, Cheng HC, Jiang TX, Chen CF, Chuong CM. Morpho-regulation in diverse chicken feather formation: Integrating branching modules and sex hormone-dependent morpho-regulatory modules. Dev Growth Differ. 61:124-138, 2019.


Li A, Cho JH, Reid B, Tseng CC, He L, Tan P, Yeh CY, Wu P, Li Y, Widelitz RB, Zhou Y, Zhao M, Chow RH, Chuong CM. Calcium oscillations coordinate feather mesenchymal cell movement by SHH dependent modulation of gap junction networks. Nat Commun. 9:5377, 2018.

Qiu W, Chuong CM, Lei M. Regulation of melanocyte stem cells in the pigmentation of skin and its appendages: Biological patterning and therapeutic potentials. Exp Dermatol. 28: 395-405, 2018.

Wu P, Lai YC, Widelitz R, Chuong CM. Comprehensive molecular and cellular studies suggest avian scutate scales are secondarily derived from feathers, and more distant from reptilian scales. Sci Rep. 8:16766, 2018.

Lei M, Chuong CM. Epidermal Darwinism and Competitive Equilibrium within the Epidermis. Cell Stem Cell. 23:627-629, 2018.

Lai YC, Liang YC, Jiang TX, Widelitz RB, Wu P, Chuong CM. Transcriptome analyses of reprogrammed feather / scale chimeric explants revealed co-expressed epithelial gene networks during organ specification. BMC Genomics. 19:780, 2018.

Gao G, Xu M, Bai C, Yang Y, Li G, Xu J, Wei Z, Min J, Su G, Zhou X, Guo J, Hao Y, Zhang G, Yang X, Xu X, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM, Zhang C, Yin J, Zuo Y. Comparative genomics and transcriptomics of Chrysolophus provide insights into the evolution of complex plumage coloration. Gigascience. 7, 1-14, 2018.

Lee J, Vedula V, Baek KI, Chen J, Hsu JJ, Ding Y, Chang CC, Kang H, Small A, Fei P, Chuong CM, Li R, Demer L, Packard RRS, Marsden AL, Hsiai TK. Spatial and temporal variations in hemodynamic forces initiate cardiac trabeculation. JCI Insight. 3: 96672, 2018.

Cheng D, Yan X, Qiu G, Zhang J, Wang H, Feng T, Tian Y, Xu H, Wang M, He W, Wu P, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM, Yue Z. Contraction of basal filopodia controls periodic feather branching via Notch and FGF signaling. Nat Commun. 9:1345, 2018.

Hughes MW, Jiang TX, Plikus MV, Guerrero-Juarez CF, Lin CH, Schafer C, Maxson R, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM. Msx2 supports epidermal competency during wound induced hair follicle neogenesis. J Invest Dermatol. 138: 2041-2050, 2018.

Wu P, Yan J, Lai YC, Ng CS, Li A, Jiang X, Elsey R, Widelitz R, Bajpai R, Li WH, Chuong CM. Multiple regulatory modules are required for scale-to-feather conversion. Mol Biol Evol. 35:417-430, 2018.


Cooke TF, Fischer CR, Wu P, Jiang TX, Xie KT, Kuo J, Doctorov E, Zehnder A, Khosla C, Chuong CM, Bustamante CD. Genetic Mapping and Biochemical Basis of Yellow Feather Pigmentation in Budgerigars. Cell. 171:427-439, 2017.

Harn HI, Ogawa R, Hsu CK, Hughes MW, Tang MJ, Chuong CM. The Tension Biology of Wound Healing. Exp Dermatol. 28: 464-471, 2017.

Lei M, Schumacher LJ, Lai Y-C., Juan W-T, Yeh C-Y, Wu P, Jiang T-X, Baker RE, Widelitz RB, Yang L, Chuong CM. Self-organization process in newborn skin organoid formation inspires strategy to restore hair regeneration of adult cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 114: E7101-E7110, 2017.

Lai YC, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM. Systems Biology Analyses in Chicken: Workflow for Transcriptome and ChIP-Seq Analyses Using the Chicken Skin Paradigm. Methods Mol Biol. 1650:87-100, 2017.

Widelitz RB, Abdelhamid A, Khalil Khan M, Elkarargy A, Chuong CM, Wu P. MicroCT Imaging on Living Alligator Teeth Reveals Natural Tooth Cycling. Methods Mol Biol. 1650:355-362, 2017.

Cho JH, Swanson CJ, Chen J, Li A, Lippert LG, Boye SE, Rose K, Sivaramakrishnan S, Chuong CM, Chow RH. The GCaMP-R Family of Genetically Encoded Ratiometric Calcium Indicators. ACS Chem Biol. 12:1066-1074, 2017.

Li A, Figueroa S, Jiang TX, Wu P, Widelitz R, Nie Q, Chuong CM. Diverse feather shape evolution enabled by coupling anisotropic signalling modules with self-organizing branching programme. Nat. Commun. 8:14139, 2017.


Lai YC, Chuong CM. The “tao” of integuments. Science 354:1533-1534, 2016.

Tsai S, Abdelhamid A, Khan MK, Elkarargy A, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM, Wu P. The molecular circuit regulating tooth development in Crocodilians. J. Dental Res. 95:1501-1510, 2016.

Chen CK, Ng CS, Wu SM, Chen JJ, Cheng PL, Wu P, Lu MJ, Chen DR, Chuong CM, Cheng HC, Ting CT, Li WH. Regulatory Differences in Natal Down Development between Altricial Zebra Finch and Precocial Chicken. Mol Biol Evol. 33:2030-2043, 2016.

Widelitz RB, Chuong CM. Quorum sensing and other collective regenerative behavior in organ populations. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 40:138-143, 2016.

Huang CF, Chang YJ, Hsueh YY, Huang CW, Wang DH, Huang TC, Wu YT, Su FC, Hughes M, Chuong CM, Wu CC. Assembling composite dermal papilla spheres with adipose-derived stem cells to enhance hair follicle induction. Sci. Rep. 6:26436, 2016.

Lei M, Chuong CM. Aging, alopecia, and stem cells: Intrinsic epigenetic status and extrinsic environmental factors affect hair follicle stem cells. Science 351:559-560, 2016.


Wu P, Ng CS, Yan J, Lai YC, Chen CK, Lai YT, Wu SM, Chen JJ, Luo W, Widelitz RB, Li WH, Chuong CM. Topographical mapping of α- and β-keratins on developing chicken skin integuments: Functional interaction and evolutionary perspectives. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 112:E6770-E6779, 2015.

Ng CS, Chen CK, Fan WL, Wu P, Wu SM, Chen JJ, Lai YT, Mao CT, Lu MJ, Chen DR, Lin ZS, Yang KJ, Sha YA, Tu TC, Chen CF, Chuong CM, Li WH. Transcriptomic analyses of regenerating adult feathers in chicken. BMC Genomics 16:756, 2015.

Chen CC, Plikus MV, Tang PC, Widelitz R, Chuong CM. The modulatable stem cell niche: Tissue interactions during hair and feather follicle regeneration. J Mol Biol 428:1423-1440, 2015.

Tsai MS, Suksaweang S, Jiang TX, Wu P, Kao YH, Lee PH, Widelitz R, Chuong CM. Proper BMP Signaling Levels Are Essential for 3D Assembly of Hepatic Cords from Hepatoblasts and Mesenchymal Cells. Dig Dis Sci, 60:3669-3680, 2015.

Li A, Lai Y-C, Figueroa S, Yang T, Widelitz RB, Kobielak K, Nie Q, Cheng CM. Deciphering principles of morphogenesis from temporal and spatial patterns on the integument. Dev Dyn. 244:905–920, 2015.

O’Connor JK, Zheng X, Sullivan C, Chuong CM, Wang X, Li A, Wang Y, Zhang X, Zhou Z. Evolution and functional significance of derived sternal ossification patterns in ornithothoracine birds. J. Evol. Biol. 28:1550-1567, 2015.

Chiu CT, Chuong CM. Feather on the cap of medicine. J. Invest. Dermatol. 135:1719-1721, 2015.

Lei M, Lai X, Bai X, Qiu W, Yang T, Liao X, Chuong CM, Yang L, Lian X, Zhong JL. Prolonged overexpression of Wnt10b induces epidermal keratinocyte transformation through activating EGF pathway. Histochem Cell Biol. 144:209-221, 2015.

Li Y, Trivedi V, Truong TV, Koos DS, Lansford R, Chuong CM, Warburton D, Moats RA, Fraser SE. Dynamic imaging of the growth plate cartilage reveals multiple contributors to skeletal morphogenesis. Nat Commun 6:6798, 2015.

Chen CC, Wang L, Plikus MV, Jiang TX, Murray PJ, Ramos R, Guerrero-Juarez CF, Hughes MW, Lee OK, Shi S, Widelitz RB, Lander AD, Chuong CM. Organ-level quorum sensing directs regeneration in hair stem cell populations. Cell 161:277-290, 2015.

Xu W, Sun Y, Zhang J, Xu K, Pan L, He L, Song Y, Njunge L, Xu Z, Chiang MY, Sung KL, Chuong CM, Yang L. Perivascular-derived stem cells with neural crest characteristics are involved in tendon repair. Stem Cells Dev. 24:857-868, 2015.

Bai X, Lei M, Shi J, Yu Y, Qiu W, Lai X, Liu Y, Yang T, Yang L, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM, Lian X. Roles of GasderminA3 in catagen- telogen transition during hair cycling. J Invest Dermatol. 135:2162-2172, 2015.

Chang KW, Huang NA, Liu IH, Wang YH, Wu P, Tseng YT, Hughes MW, Jiang T, Tsai MH, Chen CY, Oyang YJ, Lin EC, Chuong CM, Lin SP. Emergence of differentially regulated pathways associated with the development of regional specificity in chicken skin. BMC Genomics. 16:22, 2015.

Chen CF, Foley J, Tang PC, Li A, Jiang TX, Wu P, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM. Development, regeneration, and evolution of feathers. Annu Rev Anim Biosci. 3:169-195, 2015.


Xu X, Zhou Z, Dudley R, Mackem S, Chuong C-M, Erickson GM, Varricchio DJ. An integrative approach to understanding bird origins. Science 346:125293, 2014.

Leung Y, Kandyba E, Chen YB,Ruffins S, Chuong CM, Kobielak K. Bifunctional ectodermal stem cells around the nail display dual fate homeostasis and adaptive wounding response toward nail regeneration. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111:15114-9, 2014.

Chuong CM, Bhat R, Widelitz RB, Bissel MJ. Snapshot: Branching morphogenesis. Cell 158:1212-1212e1, 2014.

Ng CS, Wu P, Fan WL, Yan J, Chen CK, Lai YT, Wu SM, Mao CT, Chen JJ, Lu MY, Ho MR, Widelitz RB, Chen CF, Chuong CM, Li WH. Genomic organization, transcriptomic analysis, and functional characterization of avian α- and β-keratins in diverse feather forms. Genome Biol and Evo. 6:2258-2273, 2014.

Wu P, Yin J, Widelitz R, Chuong CM. Ectodermal organ stem cells: Morphogenesis, population regenerative behavior, and evo-devo. In Streelman JT ed., Advances in Evolutionary Developmental Biology. Ch.7, pp. 133-150, 2014.

Alibardi L, Wu P, Chuong CM. Ultrastructural characteristics of 5-BrdU labeling retention cells including stem cells of regenerating feathers in chicken. J Morphol. 275:768-774, 2014.

Driskell R, Jahoda CA, Chuong CM, Watt F, Horsley V. Defining dermal adipose tissue. Exp Dermatol, 23:629-631, 2014.

Lei M, Guo H, Qiu W, Lai X, Tian Y, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM, Xiaohua L, Yang L. Modulating hair follicle size with Wnt10b/DKK1 during hair regeneration. Exp Dermatol. 23:407-413, 2014.

Wu P, Alibardi L, Chuong CM. Regeneration of reptilian scales after wounding: neogenesis, regional difference, and molecular modules. Regeneration. 1:15-26, 2014.

Chen CC, Murray PJ, Jiang TX, Plikus MV, Chang YT, Lee OK, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM. Regenerative Hair Waves in Aging Mice and Extra-Follicular Modulators Follistatin, Dkk1, and Sfrp4. J Invest Dermatol. 134:2086-2096, 2014.

Chu Q, Cai L, Fu Y, Chen X, Yan Z, Lin X, Zhou G, Han H, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM, Wu W, Yue Z. Dkk2/Frzb in the dermal papillae regulates feather regneration. Dev Biol, 387:167-178, 2014.

Plikus, M.V., Chuong CM. Macroenvironmental regulation of hair cycling and collective regeneration behavior. Cold Spring Harbor Perspect Med, 4:a015198, 2014.

Hughes MW, Jiang TX, Lin SJ, Leung Y, Kobielak K, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM. Disrupted ectodermal organ morphogenesis in mice with a conditional histone deacetylase 1, 2 deletion in the epidermis. J Invest Dermatol. 134:24-32, 2014.


Weber, E.L., Chuong CM. Environmental reprogramming and molecular profiling in reconstitution of human hair follicles. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 110:19658-19659, 2013.

Hughes MW, Lu W, Chuong CM. Nuclear topology, epigenetics, and keratinocyte differentiation. J Invest Dermatol. 133:2130-2133, 2013.

Li J., Jiang TX, Chuong CM. Many paths to alopecia via compromised regeneration of hair follicle stem cells. J Invest Dermatol. 133:1450-1452, 2013.

Plikus MV, Vollmers C, de la Cruz D, Chaix A, Ramos R, Panda S, Chuong CM. Local circadian clock gates cell cycle progression of transient amplifying cells during regenerative hair cycling. Proc Natl Acad Sci, USA. 110:E2106-2115, 2013.

Wu P, Wu X, Jiang T-X, Elsey RM, Temple BL, Divers SJ, Glenn TC, Yuan K, Chen M-H, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM. Specialized stem cell niche enables repetitive renewal of alligator teeth. Proc Natl Acad Sci, USA. 110:E2009-2018, 2013.

Lin SJ, Foley J, Jiang T-X, Yeh CY, Wu P, Foley A, Yen CM, Huang YC, Cheng HC, Chen CF, Reeder B, Jee SH, Widelitz R, Chuong C.-M. Topology of feather melanocyte progenitor niche allows complex pigment patterns to emerge. Science 340:1442-1445, 2013.

Li A, Chen M, Jiang T-X, Wu P, Nie Q, Widelitz R, Chuong C.-M. Shaping organs by a Wnt / Notch / non-muscle myosin module which orients feather bud elongation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA. 110:E1452-E1461, 2013.

Juuri E, Jussila M, Seidel K, Holmes S, Wu P, Richman J, Heikinheimo K, Chuong CM, Arnold K, Hochedlinger K, Klein O, Michon F, Thesleff I. Sox2 marks epithelial competence to generate teeth in mammals and reptiles. Development. 140:1424-1432, 2013.

Chuong CM, Yeh C-Y, Jiang TX, Widelitz RB. Module-based complexity formation: periodic patterning in feathers and hairs. WIRES Dev Biol 2:97-112 2013.

Chueh SC, Lin SJ, Chen CC, Lei M, Wang LM, Widelitz R, Hughes MW, Jiang TX, Chuong CM. Therapeutic strategy for hair regeneration: hair cycle activation, niche environment modulation, wound-induced follicle neogenesis, and stem cell engineering. Expt Opin Biol Ther. 13:377-391, 2013.

Kandyba E, Leung Y, Chen YB, Widelitz R, Chuong CM, Kobielak K. Competitive balance of intrabulge BMP/Wnt signaling reveals a robust gene network ruling stem cell homeostasis and cyclic activation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 110:1351-1356, 2013.

Lin SJ, Widelitz RB, Yue Z, Li A, Wu X, Jiang TX, Wu P, Chuong CM. Feather regeneration as a model for organogenesis. Dev Growth Differ, 55:139-148, 2013.

Lei MX, Chuong CM, Widelitz RB. Tuning wnt signals for more or fewer hairs. J Invest Dermatol 133:7-9, 2013.


O’Connor JK, Chiappe LM, Chuong C-M, Bottjer DJ, You H. Homology and potential cellular and molecular mechanisms for the development of unique feather morphologies in early birds. Geosciences. 2:157-177, 2012.

Murray PJ, Maini PK, Plikus MV, Chuong CM, Baker RE. Modelling Hair Follicle Growth Dynamics as an Excitable Medium. PLOS Comp Biol 8: e1002804, 2012.

Suksaweang S, Jiang TX, Roybal P, Chuong CM, Widelitz R. Roles of EphB3/ephrin-B1 in feather morphogenesis. Int J Dev Biol 56:719-728, 2012.

Yue Z, Jiang TX, Wu P, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM. Sprouty/FGF signaling regulates the proximal-distal feather morphology and the size of dermal papillae. Dev Biol 372:45-54, 2012.

Chuong CM, Randall VA, Widelitz RB, Wu P, Jiang T-X. Physiological regeneration of skin appendages and implications for regenerative medicine. Physiology 27:61-72, 2012.

Ng CS, Wu P, Foley J, Foley A, McDonald ML, Juan WT, Huang CJ, Lai YT, Lo WS, Chen CF, Leal SM, Zhang H, Widelitz RB, Patel PI, Li WH, Chuong CM. The Chicken Frizzle Feather Is Due to an α-Keratin (KRT75) Mutation That Causes a Defective Rachis. PLoS Genet. 8:e1002748, 2012.

Li J, Jiang TX, Hughes MW, Wu P, Widelitz RB, Fan G, Chuong CM. Progressive Alopecia Reveals Decreasing Stem Cell Activation Probability during Aging of Mice with Epidermal Deletion of DNA Methyltransferase 1. J. Invest. Dermatol. 132:2681-2690, 2012.

Chen J, Chuong CM. Patterning skin by planar cell polarity: the multi-talented hair designer. Exp Dermatol. 21:81-85, 2012.

Chen CC, Chuong CM. Multi-layered environmental regulation on the homeostasis of stem cells: the saga of hair growth and alopecia. J. Dermatol. 66:3-11, 2012.


Lin SJ, Chuong CM. Toward the isolation and culture of melanocyte stem cells. J Invest Dermatol. 131:2341-2343, 2011.

Lim M, Chuong CM, Roy-Burman P. PI3K, Erk signaling in BMP7-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) of PC-3 prostate cancer cells in 2- and 3-dimensional cultures. Horm. Cancer 2:298-309, 2011.

Plikus MV, Baker RE, Chen CC, Fare C, de la Cruz D, Andl T, Maini PK, Millar SE, Widelitz R, Chuong CM. Self-organizing and stochastic behaviors during the regeneration of hair stem cells. Science 332:586-589, 2011.

Jiang TX, Tuan TL, Wu P, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM. From buds to follicles: Matrix metalloproteinases in developmental tissue remodeling during feather morphogenesis. Differentiation. 81:307-314, 2011.

Hughes MW, Wu P, Jiang TX, Lin SJ, Dong CY, Li A, Hsieh FJ, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM. In search of the Golden Fleece: unraveling principles of morphogenesis by studying the integrative biology of skin appendages. Integr Biol (Camb). 3:388-407, 2011.

Lee LF, Jiang TX, Garner W, Chuong CM. A simplified procedure to reconstitute hair-producing skin. Tiss Eng Part C 17:1-10, 2011.


Al-Nuaimi Y, Baier G, Watson RE, Chuong CM, Paus R. The cycling hair follicle as an ideal systems biology research model. Exp Dermatol. 19:707-713, 2010.


Yeh J, Green LM, Jiang TX, Plikus M, Huang E, Chang RN, Hughes MW, Chuong CM, Tuan TL. Accelerated closure of skin wounds in mice deficient in the homeobox gene Msx2. Wound Repair Regen. 17:639-648, 2009.

Lin CM, Jiang TX, Baker RE, Maini PK, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM. Spots and stripes: pleomorphic patterning of stem cells via p-ERK-dependent cell chemotaxis shown by feather morphogenesis and mathematical simulation. Dev. Biol. 334:369-382, 2009.

Rubenstein M, Sai Y, Chuong CM, Shen WM. Regenerative patterning in Swarm Robots: mutual benefits of research in robotics and stem cell biology. Int J Dev Biol. 53:869-881, 2009.

Richardson, MK and Chuong, C-M. Regeneration and pattern formation – an interview with Susan Bryant. Int J Dev Biol. 53:827-833, 2009.

Chang C, Wu P, Baker RE, Maini PK, Alibardi L, Chuong CM. Reptile scale paradigm: Evo-Devo, pattern formation and regeneration. Int J Dev Biol. 53:813-26, 2009.

Chuong CM, Widelitz RB. The river of stem cells. Cell Stem Cell. 4:100-102, 2009.

Lee LF, Chuong CM. Building complex tissues: high-throughput screening for molecules required in hair engineering. Invest Dermatol, 129:815-7, 2009.

Plikus MV, Widelitz RB, Maxson R, Chuong CM. Analyses of regenerative wave patterns in adult hair follicle populations reveal macro-environmental regulation of stem cell activity. Int J Dev Biol. 53:857-868, 2009.

Li, MY. The master of chicken feather and duck bill research: Cheng-Ming Chuong. Sci. Am. (Chinese version) 84:114-119, 2009.


Plikus MV, Mayer JA, de la Cruz D, Baker RE, Maini PK, Maxson R, Chuong CM. Cyclic dermal BMP signalling regulates stem cell activation during hair regeneration. Nature, 451:340-4, 2008.

Mayer JA, Foley J, De La Cruz D, Chuong CM, Widelitz R. Conversion of the nipple to hair-bearing epithelia by lowering bone morphogenetic protein pathway activity at the dermal-epidermal interface. Am J Pathol. 173:1339-48, 2008.

Plikus MV, Chuong CM. Complex Hair Cycle Domain Patterns and Regenerative Hair Waves in Living Rodents. J Invest Dermatol 128:1071-80, 2008.


Widelitz RB, Veltmaat JM, Mayer JA, Foley J, Chuong CM. Mammary glands and feathers: comparing two skin appendages which help define novel classes during vertebrate evolution. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 18:255-66, 2007.

Chuong CM. Regenerative biology: new hair from healing wounds. Nature. 447:265-266, 2007.

Wang XP, Suomalainen M, Felszeghy S, Zelarayan LC, Alonso MT, Plikus MV, Maas RL, Chuong CM, Schimmang T, Thesleff I. An integrated gene regulatory network controls stem cell proliferation in teeth. PLoS Biol.5:e159, 2007.

Drew FC, Lin CM, Jiang TX, Blunt G, Mou C, Chuong CM, Headon DJ. The Edar subfamily in feather placode formation. Developmental Biology 305:232-45, 2007.

Chuong CM, Cotsarelis G, Stenn K. Defining hair follicles in the age of stem cell bioengineering. J Invest Dermatol, 127:2098-100, 2007.


Yue Z, Jiang TX, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM. Wnt3a gradient converts radial to bilateral feather symmetry via topological arrangement of epithelia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 103:951-5, 2006.

Wu P, Jiang TX, Shen JY, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM. Morphoregulation of avian beaks: comparative mapping of growth zone activities and morphological evolution. Dev. Dyn. 235:1400-12, 2006.

Chuong CM, Dhouailly D, Gilmore S, Forest L, Shelley WB, Stenn KS, Maini P, Michon F, Parimoo S, Cadau S, Demongeot J, Zheng Y, Paus R, Happle R. What is the biological basis of pattern formation of skin lesions? Exp Dermatol. 15:547-64, 2006.

Widelitz RB, Baker RE, Plikus M, Lin CM, Maini PK, Paus R, Chuong CM. Distinct mechanisms underlie pattern formation in the skin and skin appendages. Birth Defects Res C Embryo Today. 78:280-91, 2006.

Plikus MV, Zhang Z, Chuong CM. PubFocus: semantic MEDLINE/PubMed citations analytics through integration of controlled biomedical dictionaries and ranking algorithm. BMC Bioinformatics. 2;7:424, 2006.

Plikus, MV, Sundberg, JP and Chuong, CM. Mouse Skin Ectodermal Organs. In The Mouse in Biomedical Research, Academic Press. NY. Volume III Normative Biology, Husbandry, and Models. 2006.

Lin CM, Jiang TX, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM. Molecular signaling in feather morphogenesis. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 18:730-41, 2006.

Maini PK, Baker RE, Chuong CM. Developmental biology. The Turing model comes of molecular age. Science. 314:1397-8, 2006.

Chuong, C-M., Wu, P., Plikus MV, Jiang, TX, Widelitz, RB. Engineering Stem cells into organs: Topobiological transformations demonstrated by beak, feather and other ectodermal organ morphogenesis. Curr Top Dev Biol. 237-74, 2006.


Yue ZC, Jiang TX, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM. Mapping Stem Cell Activities in the Feather Follicle. Nature 438:1026-1029, 2005.

Plikus, MV., Zeichner-David, M., Mayer, J.A., Reyna, J., Bringas, P., Thewissen, J. G. M., Snead, ML., Chai, Y.,Chuong, CM. Morphoregulation of teeth: modulating the number, size, shape and differentiation by tuning Bmp activity. Evo and Dev. 7:440–457, 2005.


Chang CH, Jiang TX, Lin CM, Burrus LW, Chuong CM, Widelitz R. Distinct Wnt members regulate the hierarchical morphogenesis of skin regions (spinal tract) and individual feathers. Mech Dev. 121:157-71, 2004.

Hou, L., Chiappe, L.M., Zhang, F., and Chuong, C-M. New Early Cretaceous fossil from China documents a novel trophic specialization for Mesozoic birds. Naturwissenschaften. 91: 22-25, 2004.

Suksaweang, S., Lin C-M., Jiang, T-X., Hughes, M.W., Widelitz, R.B., and Chuong, C-M. Morphogenesis of chicken liver: identification of localized growth zones and the role of beta-catenin/Wnt in size regulation. Dev Biol. 266:109-122, 2004.

Plikus M, Wang WP, Liu J, Wang X, Jiang TX, Chuong CM. Morpho-regulation of ectodermal organs: integument pathology and phenotypic variations in K14-Noggin engineered mice through modulation of bone morphogenic protein pathway. Am J Pathol. 164:1099-114, 2004.

Plikus M, Chuong CM. Making waves with hairs. J Invest Dermatol. Apr;122:vii-ix, 2004.

Chang, C.-H., Yu, M., Wu, P., Jiang, T.-X., Yu, H.-S., Widelitz, R.B., and Chuong, C.-M. Sculpting Skin Appendages Out of Epidermal Layers Via Temporally and Spatially Regulated Apoptotic Events. J. Invest. Dermato. 122: 1348-1355, 2004.

Shen, W.-M., Will, P., Galstyan A., Chuong, C.-M. Hormone-inspired self-organization and distributed control of robotic swarms. Autonomous Robots, 17, 93-105, 2004.

Wu, P. Hou, L. Plikus, M, Hughes, M., Scehnet, J., Suksaweang, S., Wideltz, RW., Chuong, CM. Evo-Devo of amniote integuments and appendages. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 48:249-270, 2004.

Jiang, T-X., Wideltz, RB., Shen, WM., Will, P., Wu, DY., Lin, CM., Jung, JS., Chuong, CM. Integument pattern formation involves genetic and epigenetic controls: Feather arrays simulated by a digital hormone model. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 48:117-136, 2004.

Yu, M., Yue, Z., Wu, P., Wu, D.-Y., Mayer, J.A., Medina, M., Widelitz, R.B., Jiang, T.-X., and Chuong, C.-M. The biology of feather follicles. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 48:181-191, 2004.

Wu, P., Jiang, T.-X., Suksaweang, S, Wideltz, RB., Chuong, CM. Molecular Shaping of the Beak. Science, 305:1465-1466, 2004.

Mayer, JA., Chuong, CM., Widelitz, R. Rooster feathering, androgenic alopecia, and hormone dependent tumor growth: What is in common? Differentiation. 72: 474-488, 2004.


Chodankar R., Chang C-H, Yue Z., Suksaweang S., Burrus L., Chuong C-M, and Widelitz RB. Shift of Localized Growth Zones Contributes to Skin Appendage Morphogenesis: Role of the Wnt/Beta-catenin Pathway. J Inv Dermatol. 120:19-26, 2003.

Chuong, C-M. Homeobox Genes, Fetal Wound Healing, and Skin Regional Specificty. J Invest Dermatol. 120:9-11, 2003.

Chuong, C-M and Homberger, D.G. Development and Evolution of the Amniote Integument: Current Landscape and Future Horizon. J Exp Zool. 298B: 1-11, 2003.

Chuong, C-M, Wu, P., Zhang, F-C, Xu, X., Yu, M., Widelitz, R.B., Jiang, T-X, and Hou, L. Adaptation to the Sky: Defining the Feather With Integument Fossils From Mesozoic China and Experimental Evidence From Molecular Laboratories. J Exp. Zool. 298B: 42-56, 2003.

Widelitz, R.B., Jiang, T-X, Yu, M., Shen, T., Shen, J-Y, Wu, P., Yu, Z., and Chuong, C-M. Molecular Biology of Feather Morphogenesis: A Testable Model for Evo-Devo Research. J Exp Zool. 298B: 109-122, 2003.

Hughes, M.W., and Chuong, C-M. A Mouthful of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Interactions. J Invest Dermatol. 121:vii-viii, 2003.

Ma L., Liu J., Wu T., Plikus M., Jiang T.-X, Liu Y-H, Muller-Rover S., Brissette J., Peters H., Maxson R., Maas R., and Chuong C-M. Cyclic alopecia in Msx2 mutants: Defects in hair cycling and hair shaft differentiation. Development 130:379-389, 2003.


Chuong C-M. Development, Tissue Engineering, and Cancer: Guidance of Stem Cells. Changhua J Med. 7: 1-7, 2002.

Koh S., Li H., Lee Y-H, Widelitz R.B., Chuong C-M., and Stallcup M.R. Synergistic Coactivator Function by Coactivator-associated Arginine Methyltrasferase (CARM) 1 and Beta-Catenin with Two Different Classes of DNA-binding Transcriptional Activators. J. Biol. Chem. 277: 26031-26035, 2002.

Chuong C-M, Nickloff BJ, Elias PM, Goldsmith LA, Macher E., Maderson PA., Sundberg JP., Tagami H., Plongka PM., Thestrup-Pedersen K., Bernard BA., Scroder JM., Dotto P., Chang C-H., Williams ML., Feingold KR., King LE., Kligman AM., Rees JL., Christophers E. What is the ‘true’ function of skin. Exp. Dermatol. 11:159-87, 2002.

Shen, W-M, and Chuong, C-M. Simulating Self-Organization with the Digital Hormone Model. Multi-Robot Systems: From Swarms to Intelligent Automata., (A. Schultz and L. Parker, eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.

Shen, W-M, Chuong, C-M, and Will, P. Digital Hormone Models For Self-Organization. International Conference on Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems. Sydney Australia, 2002.

Shen, W-M, Chuong, C-M, and Will, P. Simulating Self-Organization for Multi-Robot Systems. International Conference on Intelligent and Robotic Systems. Switzerland, 2002.

Yu M, Wu P, Widelitz RB, and Chuong C-M. The Morphogenesis of feathers. Nature. 420:308-312, 2002.


Lin, S-L, Chuong,C-M, and Ying, S-Y. A Novel mRNA-cDNA Interference Phenomenon for Silencing bcl-2 Expression in Human LNCaP Cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 281:639-644, 2001.

Lin S-L and Ying S-Y. DRNAi (Messenger RNA-antisense DNA Interference) as a Novel Defense System Against Cancer and Viral Infections. Current Cancer Drugs Targets. 1:241-247, 2001.

Chuong, C-M, Hou, L.H., Chen, PJ, Wu, P., Patel, N, and Chen, YP. Dinosaur’s feather and Chicken’s tooth? Tissue engineering of the integument. John Ebbling lecture. Eur. J. Dermatology. 11:286-292, 2001.

Hsu Y.-H, Shaw C.-K, Chuong CM. Immunohistochemical localization of deleted-in-colon-cancer (DCC) protein in human epithelial, neural, and neuro-endocrine tissues in paraffin sections with antigen retrieval. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 17:351-357, 2001 (Abstract).


Chuong, C.-M. Skin Morphogenesis: Embryonic chicken skin explant cultures. In Tuan and Lo edit: Developmental Biology Protocols. Vol. 2. In Methods in Molecular Biology Series,. Humana Press Inc. Totowa, NJ. Pp. 101-106, 2000.

Stott. S. and Chuong, C.-M. Application of retroviral gene transduction to limb bud micromass cultures. In Tuan and Lo edit: Developmental Biology Protocols. Vol. 1. In Methods in Molecular Biology Series,. Humana Press Inc. Totowa, NJ. Pp 509-513, 2000.

Widelitz, R.B., Jiang, T.-X., Lu, J.-F. and Chuong, C.-M. Beta catenin in epithelial morphogenesis: Conversion of part of avian foot scales into feather buds with a mutated beta catenin. Dev. Biol. 219:98-114, 2000.

Chen, J. and Chuong, C.-M. Dynamic expression of lunatic fringe during feather morphogenesis: a switch from medial-lateral to anterior-posterior asymmetry. Mech. Dev. 91:351-354, 2000.

Wu, T. and Chuong, C.-M. Developmental Biology of Skin Appendages. In Camacho, F., Randall, V.A., and Price, V.H. edit Hair Biology and Disorders: Research, Pathology and Management. Martin Dunitz Pub. Pp 17-37, 2000.

Chen, Y.P., Zhang, Y., Jiang, T.X., Barlow, A., Amand, TR, Hu, Y., Heaney, S., Francis- West, P., Chuong, C.M., and Maas, R. Conservation of early odontogenic signaling pathway in Aves. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 97: 10044-10049, 2000.

Chuong, C-M, Chodankar, R., Widelitz, R.B., Jiang, T. X. Evo-Devo of Feathers and Scales: Building complex epithelial appendages. Curr. Opin. Dev. Genet. 10:449-456, 2000.

Chuong, C-M, Lin, J., Patel, N., Jung H-S., Widelitz, R. B. Sonic Hedgehog signaling pathway in vertebrate epithelial organ formation: Perspectives in development and evolution. Cell. Mol. Life Sci.. 57:1672-1681, 2000.


Chuong, C.-M., Jung, H.-S. and Widelitz, R.B. Lineage and pluripotentiality of epithelial precursor cells in developing chicken skin. Biochem. Cell Biol. 76:1069-1077, 1999.

Widelitz, R.B., Jiang, T.-X, C.-W.J., Stott, N.S. and Chuong, C.-M. Wnt-7a in feather morphogenesis: Involvement of anterior-posterior asymmetry and proximal-distal elongation demonstrated with an in vitro reconstitution model. Development. 126:2577-2587, 1999.

Jiang, T.-X., Jung, H.S., Widelitz, R.B., Chuong, C.-M. Self organization of periodic patterns by dissociated feather mesechymal cells and the regulation of size, number and spacing of primordia. Development. 126:4997-5009, 1999.

Stott, S., Jiang, T-X., and Chuong, C.-M. Successive formative stages of precartilage mesenchymal condensations in vitro: Modulation of cell adhesion by wnt-7a and BMP-2. J. Cell Physiol. 180:314-324, 1999.

Wang, W.P., Kasahara, N., Chuong, C.M. Update to Retroviral Gene transfer in chondrogenic limb bud micromass cultures: Adenoviral mediated gene transfer. In McClelland, M and Pardee, A. B. edit. 1999. Expression Genetics: Accelerated and High-Throughput Methods. Biotechnique Books. Eaton Publishing. Pp363-364, 1999.

Ying, S.Y., Lui, H.M., Lin. S.L., and Chuong, C.M. Generation of full length cDNA library from single human prostate cancer cells. Biotechniques. 27:410 – 414, 1999.

Lin, S.-L., Chuong, C.-M., Widelitz, R.B., Ying, S.Y. In vivo analysis of cancerous gene Expression by RNA polymerase chain reaction. Nuc. Acids Res. 27:4585-4589, 1999.

Ying, S.-Y., Chuong, C.-M., and Lin, S.-L. Suppression of activin-induced apoptosis by novel antisense strategy in human prostate cancer cells. Biochem Biphys. Res. Comm. 265:669-673, 1999.

Jiang, T.-X., Liu, Y.H., Widelitz, R.B., Kundu, R.K., Maxson, R.E. and Chuong, C.-M. Epidermal dysplasia and abnormal hair follicles in transgenic mice over-expressing homeobox gene Msx-2. J. Investigative Dematol. 113:231-238, 1999.

Chuong, C.-M. and Noveen, A. Phenotypic determination of epithelial appendages: Genes, developmental pathways and evolution. J Invest Dermatol. 4:307-311, 1999.

Chen, C.-W. J. and Chuong, C.-M. Avian integument provides multiple possibilities to analyze different phases of skin appendage morphogenesis. J Invest Dermatol. 4:333-337, 1999.

Widelitz, R.B. and Chuong, C.-M. Early events in skin appendage formation: induction of epithelial placodes and condensation of dermal mesenchymal cells. J Invest Dermatol. 4:302-306, 1999.

Wang, W.-P., Widelitz, R.B., Jiang, T.-X. and Chuong, C.-M. Msx-2 and the regulation of organ size: epidermal thickness and hair length. J Invest Dermatol. 4:278-281, 1999.


Stott, S., Lee, Y.S. and Chuong, C.M. 1998. Retroviral gene transfer in micromass cultures: Potential for genetic manipulations in organotypic cultures. Biotechniques. 24:660-666.

Lee, Y.S., Stott, S., Jiang, T.-X., Widelitz, R.W. and Chuong, C.-M. 1998. Early events during precartilage condensation formation in limb bud micromass cultures: Application of retrovirus-mediated gene perturbation. Cells and Materials.8:19-32.

Jung, H-S., Francis-West, F., Widelitz, R.B.,T.-X., Ting-Berreth, S., Tickle, C., Wolpert, L., and Chuong, C.-M. 1998. Local inhibitory action of BMPs and their relationships with activators in feather formation: Implications for periodic patterning. Dev. Biol. 196:11-23.

Chuong, C.-M. 1998. Feather Morphogenesis: A Model of the Formation of Epithelial Appendages. In Chuong edit, Molecular Basis of Epithelial Appendage Morphogenesis. Landes Bioscience. Austin. pp3-14.

Noveen, A., Hartenstein, V. and Chuong, C.-M. 1998. Gene networks and supernetworks: Evolutionary conserved gene interactions. In Chuong edit, Molecular Basis of Epithelial Appendage Morphogenesis. Landes Bioscience. Austin. pp371-391.

Jiang, T.-X., Stott, S., Widelitz, R. B. and Chuong, C.-M. 1998. Current methods in the study of avian skin appendages. In Chuong edit, Molecular Basis of Epithelial Appendage Morphogenesis. Landes Bioscience. Austin. pp395-408.


Lee, Y. S. and Chuong C-M. 1997. Activation of protein kinase A is a pivotal step involved in both BMP-2- and cAMP-induced chondrogenesis. J. Cell Physiol. 170:153-165.

Chen, C. J., Jung, H.-S, Jiang, T.-X. and Chuong, C.-M. 1997. Asymmetric expression of Notch, Serrate and Delta is associated with the anterior – posterior axis of feather buds. Dev. Biol.. 188:181-187.

Widelitz, R. B., Jiang, T.-X., Noveen, A., Ting-Berreth, S. A., Yin, E., Jung, H-S, and Chuong, C.-M. 1997. Molecular histology in skin appendage morphogenesis. J. Microscopy Res. Tech. 38:452-465.

Lu, J. F., and Chuong, C.-M. Widelitz, R.W. 1997. Characterization of chicken catenin shows unique expression patterns in sites of epithelial-mesenchymal interaction. Gene. 196:201-207.

Combates, N. J., Chuong, C.-M., Stenn, K. S., and Prouty, S. M. 1997. Expression of Two Ig Family Adhesion molecules in the murine hair cycle: Enrichment of DCC in the bulge epithelia and constancy of NCAM in the follicular papilla. J. Invest. Dermatol. 109:672-678.

Stott, S. and Chuong, C.-M. 1997. Dual action of sonic hedgehog on chondrocyte hypertrophy: retrovirus mediated ectopic sonic hedgehog expression in limb bud micromass culture induces novel cartilage nodules that are positive for alkaline phosphatase and type x collagen. J. Cell Sci. 110:2691-2701.


Noveen, A., Jiang, T.-X., and Chuong, C.-M. 1996. cAMP, an activator of protein kinase A (PKA), suppresses the expression of sonic hedgehog. Biochem. Biophysi. Res. Comm. 219:180-185.

Chuong, C.-M., Widelitz, R. W., Ting-Berreth, S. A. and Jiang, T.-X. 1996. Early Events During the Regeneration of Skin Appendages: Dependence of Epithelial-mesenchymal Interaction and Order of Molecular Reappearance. J. Invest. Dermatol. 107:639-646.

Ting-Berreth, S. A. and Chuong, C.-M.. 1996. Sonic hedgehog in feather morphogenesis: Induction of mesenchymal condensation and association with cell death. Dev. Dyn. 207:157-170.

Ting-Berreth, S. A. and C. M. Chuong. 1996. Local delivery of TGF beta2 can restore epithelium dependent organization of mesenchymal condensation during skin appendage morphogenesis. Dev. Biol. 179:347-359.

Widelitz, R. B., Jiang, T.-X., Noveen, A., Chen, C.-W. J. and Chuong, C.-M. 1996. FGF induces new feather buds from developing avian skin. J. Invest. Dermatol. 107:797-803.

Chuong, C.-M. 1996. Signaling network in skin appendage induction. Second International Conference on Alopecia. International Business Communications. Southborough, MA.


Noveen, A., Jiang, T.-X. Ting-Berreth, S. A., and Chuong, C.-M. 1995. Homeobox genes Msx-1 and Msx-2 are associated with induction and growth of skin appendages. J. Invest. Dermatol. 104:711-719.

Noveen, A. Jiang, T.-X. and Chuong, C.-M. 1995. Protein kinase A and protein kinase C modulators have reciprocal effects on mesenchymal condensation during skin appendage morphogenesis. Dev. Biol. 171:677-693.


Shankar, K. R., Chuong, C.-M., Jaskoll, T. and Melnick, M. 1994. Effect of in ovo retinoic acid exposure on cephalic neural crest cell migration: In vitro emigration analysis and reciprocal alteration of HNK-1 and N-CAM. Dev. Dyn. 200:89-102.

Chuong, C.M., Jiang, T.-X., Yin, E., Widelitz, R.B. 1994. cDCC is an epithelial cell adhesion molecule expressed in the basal cells and involved in epithelial-mesenchymal interaction. Dev. Biol.. 164:383-397.


Pacifici, M., Iwnamoto, Golden, E., Leatherman, J. L., Lee, Y.-S., Chuong, C.-M. 1994. Tenascin is involved in articular cartilage development. Dev. Dyn., 198:123-134.

Chuong, C. M., Widelitz, R. B., Jiang, T. X., 1993. Adhesion molecules and homeoproteins in the phenotypic determination of skin appendages. J. Investigative. Dermatol. 101:10S-15S.

Widelitz, R., Jiang, T. X., Murray, B. and Chuong, C. M. 1993. Neural cell adhesion molecules (NCAM) mediate precartilaginous condensations and enhances chondrogenesis during chicken limb development. J. Cell Physiol. 156: 399-411.

Chuong, C.-M., Widelitz, R. B., Jiang, T. X., Abbott, U., Lee, Y. S. and Chen, H. M. 1993. Roles of adhesion molecules NCAM and tenascin in limb chondrogenesis. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Limb Development and Regeneration. pp 2165-2174. (Abstract)

Jiang, T. X., Yi, J. R., Ying, S. Y. and Chuong, C. M. 1993. Activin enhances chondrogenesis of limb bud cells: stimulation of precartilagenous mesenchymal condensations and expression of NCAM. Dev. Biol. 155:545-557.

Chuong, C.-M. 1993. The making of a feather: Homeoproteins, retinoids and adhesion molecules. BioEssays. 15:513-521.

Serras, F., Fraser, S. and Chuong, C.-M. 1993. Asymmetric patterns of gap junctional communication in developing skin demonstrated by micro-injection of Lucifer Yellow. Development. 119:85-96.


Jiang, T.-X. and Chuong, C.-M. 1992. Mechanism of feather morphogenesis: I. Analyses with antibodies to Adhesion Molecules Tenascin, N-CAM and Integrin. Dev. Biol. 150:82-98.

Chuong, C.-M., Ting, S. A., Widelitz, R. B. and Lee, Y.S. 1992. Mechanism of Skin Morphogenesis: II. Retinoic acid gradient modulates axis orientation and phenotypes of skin appendages. Development. 115:839-852.

Widelitz, R. B., and Chuong, C.-M. 1992. Replication-defective virus infection of feather buds produces a localized region of beta-galactosidase activity. Biochem. Biophysi. Res. Comm. 186:1020-1024.

Lee, Y.-L. and Chuong, C,-M. 1992. Adhesion Molecules in skeletogenesis. I. Transient expression of N-CAM in osteoblasts during endochondral and intramembranous ossification. J. Bone and Mineral Res. 7:1435-1446.


Chuong, C.-M. and Chen, H.-M. 1991. Enhanced expression of N-CAM and tenascin during wound healing. Am. J. Pathol. 138:427-440.

Chuong, C.-M., Chen, H.M., Jiang, T.X., Chia, J. 1991. Adhesion molecules in skin development: Morphogenesis of feather and hair. Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 642:263-280.

Chuong, C.-M., J. 1991. Position specific expression of homeoprotein gradients in different feather tracts. Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 642:462-464.


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