students at a welcome experience event pose together for a photo

Orientation: First-year and transfer student orientation takes place in late summer. Students and their families must reserve in advance, and complete the pre-orientation checklist.

Trojan Welcome Experience: USC provides events, activities, programs and resources designed to welcome all students to campus during the first six weeks of the semester.

Spring Admits: Starting at USC in January? Check out this informational page from Admissions.

Housing:  USC guarantees on-campus housing for first-year students. Visit USC Housing New Students for deadlines and application forms.

Transportation: Students can purchase hourly, daily, monthly, semesterly and other variable parking permits in order to park in designated parking spots on campus.

Student Basic Needs: Resources for students experiencing food, housing or financial insecurity.

USCard: Your university ID allows you access to campus facilities, athletic and cultural events. It is also your on-campus wallet that lets you conveniently purchase food, goods and services.

Office of Student Accessibility Services: OSAS is responsible for ensuring equal access for students with disabilities including students with physical disabilities, learning disabilities, mental health disorders, or injuries that temporarily cause obstacles to their academic or personal success at USC. Contact OSAS within your first few weeks on campus to set up accomodations for the semester.

Prevention Education Requirements: The university requires new undergraduate students to take educational modules related to individual decision-making on important topics, designed to help create a campus culture driven by student well-being.

Health Requirements: All new students are required to verify immunizations, select health insurance coverage, and complete an online alcohol education program. USC Student Health has a dedicated webpage for families with information and links to all the key information, including privacy policies for patients.

USC Student Handbook: Students are expected to embrace our community expectations and know the policies, rights, and responsibilities outlined in the student handbook.

Safety: Resources, tips, and an overview of services for students (and parents).

Thriving in College—The Family Guide: Advice from USC experts on how to support your student in making a successful transition to college life in the first year and beyond.