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A list of journal publications and peer-reviewed conference publications is provided below.  This is only updated periodically.  Please see Dr. Luhar’s Google Scholar profile for an up-to-date and comprehensive list of contributions.

In the lists below, * and ** show graduate and undergraduate students supervised directly by Dr. Luhar at USC.

Journal Publications (Accepted or Published)

  1. Hermes M* and M Luhar (2023) Frictional Locomotion of a Radially Symmetric Tripedal Robot, Journal of Nonlinear Science33(3), 50.
  2. Zhang K, M Luhar, MI Brunner, and AJ Parolari (2023) Streamflow prediction in poorly gauged watersheds in the United States through data‐driven sparse sensing, Water Resources Research, e2022WR034092.
  3. Luhar M, AA Oberai, AS Fokas, and YC Yortsos (2022) Accounting for super-spreader events and algebraic decay in SIR models, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 115286.
  4. MacPhee DW, K Kincaid, and M Luhar (2022). Aerodynamic behavior of curved flexible wings, Journal of Fluids and Structures112, 103609.
  5. Hekmati A, M Luhar, B Krishnamachari, and M Matarić (2022). Simulating COVID-19 classroom transmission on a university campus, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences119(22), e2116165119.
  6. Chinta VK*, CY Ohh, G Spedding, and M Luhar (2022) Regime identification for stratified wakes from limited measurements: A library-based sparse regression formulation, Physical Review Fluids7(3), 033803.
  7. Wang M, CV Krishna*, M Luhar, and MS Hemati (2021) Model-based multi-sensor fusion for reconstructing wall-bounded turbulence, Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics35(5), 683-707.
  8. Luhar M (2021) Comment on “The Wave‐Driven Current in Coastal Canopies” by M. Abdolahpour et al., Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans126(8), e2019JC015644.
  9. Hermes M* and M Luhar (2021) Sea stars generate downforce to stay attached to surfacesScientific Reports, 11(1), 1-9
  10. Chavarin A*, G Gomez-de-Segura, R Garcia-Mayoral, and M Luhar (2021) Resolvent-based predictions for turbulent flow over anisotropic permeable substratesJournal of Fluid Mechanics, 913, A24
  11. Chavarin A*, C Efsathiou*, S Vijay*, and M Luhar (2020) Resolvent-based design and experimental testing of porous materials for passive turbulence controlInternational Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 86, 108722
  12. Krishna CV*, M Wang, M Hemati, and M Luhar (2020) Reconstructing the time evolution of wall-bounded turbulent flows from non-time resolved PIV measurementsPhysical Review Fluids, 5, 054604 (highlighted as an Editor’s Suggestion!)
  13. Chavarin A* and M Luhar (2020) Resolvent Analysis for Turbulent Channel Flow with Riblets, AIAA Journal, 58(2): 589-500
  14. Ishida M, D Drotman, B Shih, M Hermes*, M Luhar, and M Tolley (2019) Morphing structure for changing hydrodynamic characteristics of a soft underwater walking robot, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 4(4): 4163-4169
  15. Toedtli S, M Luhar, and BJ McKeon (2019) Predicting the response of turbulent channel flow to varying-phase opposition control: Resolvent analysis as a tool for flow control designPhysical Review Fluids, 4(7): 073905
  16. Kawagoe A, S Nakashima, M Luhar, and K Fukagata (2019) Proposal of control laws for turbulent skin friction reduction based on resolvent analysisJournal of Fluid Mechanics, 866: 810-840
  17. Nakashima S, M Luhar and K Fukagata (2019) Reconsideration of spanwise rotating turbulent channel flows via resolvent analysisJournal of Fluid Mechanics, 861: 200-222
  18. Li Y, H Mao, P Hu, M Hermes*, H Lim, J Yoon, M Luhar, Y Chen, and W Wu (2019) Bioinspired Functional Surfaces Enabled by Multiscale Stereolithography, Advanced Materials Technologies, 1800638.
  19. Sarkar D, W Wang, M Mecklenburg, AJ Clough, M Yeung, C Ren, Q Lin, L Blankemeier, S Niu, H Zhao, H Shi, H Wang, SB Cronin, J Ravichandran, M Luhar, and R Kapadia (2018) Confined Liquid-Phase Growth of Crystalline Compound Semiconductors on Any Substrate, ACS Nano, 12(6): 5158-5167.
  20. Huang Y, L Reistroph, M Luhar, and E Kanso (2018) Bistability in the rotational motion of rigid and flexible flyersJournal of Fluid Mechanics,  849: 1043-1067
  21. Efstathiou C* and M Luhar (2018) Mean turbulence statistics in boundary layers over high-porosity foamsJournal of Fluid Mechanics, 841: 351-379
  22. Luhar M (2018) Peace in the pipelineNature Physics, 14(4): 336
  23. Luhar M (2017) Soft Physics: A remedy for thinning hairNature Physics, 13(10): 927
  24. Nakashima S, K Fukagata and M Luhar (2017) Assessment of suboptimal control for turbulent skin friction reduction via resolvent analysisJournal of Fluid Mechanics, 828: 496-526
  25. Luhar M, E Infantes and H Nepf (2017) Seagrass blade motion under waves and its impact on wave decay Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 122, 2017JC012731
  26. Luhar M, AS Sharma and BJ McKeon (2016) On the design of optimal compliant walls for turbulence controlJournal of Turbulence, 17(8): 787-806
  27. Luhar M and HM Nepf (2016) Wave-induced dynamics of flexible bladesJournal of Fluids and Structures, 61: 20-41
  28. Luhar M, AS Sharma and BJ McKeon (2015) A framework for studying the effect of compliant surfaces on wall turbulenceJournal of Fluid Mechanics, 768: 415-441
  29. Gomez F, HM Blackburn, M Rudman, BJ McKeon, M Luhar, Rashad Moarref, and AS Sharma (2014) On the origin of frequency sparsity in direct numerical simulations of turbulent pipe flowPhysics of Fluids, 26, 101703
  30. Luhar M, AS Sharma, and BJ McKeon (2014) On the structure and origin of pressure fluctuations in wall turbulence: predictions based on the resolvent analysisJournal of Fluid Mechanics, 751: 38-70
  31. Luhar M, AS Sharma, and BJ McKeon (2014) Opposition control within the resolvent analysis frameworkJournal of Fluid Mechanics, 749: 597-626
  32. Luhar M, E Infantes, A Orfila, J Terrados, and HM Nepf (2013) Field observations of wave-induced streaming through a submerged seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) meadowJournal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 118: 1955–1968
  33. Luhar M and HM Nepf (2013) From the blade scale to the reach scale: a characterization of aquatic vegetative dragAdvances in Water Resources, 51: 305-316 (invited article)
  34. Infantes E, A Orfila, G Simarro, J Terrados, M Luhar, and HM Nepf (2012) Effect of a seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) meadow on wave propagationMarine Ecology Progress Series, 456: 63-72
  35. Marcos^, JR Seymour^, M Luhar^, WM Durham^, JG Mitchell, A Macke, and R Stocker^ (2011) Microbial alignment in flow changes ocean light climateProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 108(10): 3860 (^ authors contributed equally)
  36. Luhar M and HM Nepf (2011) Flow-induced reconfiguration of buoyant and flexible aquatic vegetationLimnology and Oceanography, 56(6): 2003-2017
  37. Luhar M, S Coutu, E Infantes, S Fox, and HM Nepf (2010) Wave-induced velocities inside a model seagrass bedJournal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 115, C12005
  38. Luhar M, JT Rominger, and HM Nepf (2008) Interaction between flow, transport, and vegetation spatial structureEnvironmental Fluid Mechanics, 8(5): 423-439

Book Chapters

  1. Hermes M*, M Ishida, M Luhar and M Tolley (2021) Bioinspired shape-changing soft robots for underwater locomotion: actuation and optimization for crawling and swimming, In: Paley DA, Wereley NM (eds) Bioinspired Sensing, Actuation, and Control in Underwater Soft Robotic Systems. Springer, Cham.

Conference Publications

  1. Chinta VK* and M Luhar (2022) Statistically consistent resolvent-based reconstruction of turbulent channel flows from limited measurements, In 12th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP12) (p. 112).
  2. Chavarin A* and M Luhar (2022) Optimization of riblet geometry via the resolvent framework, AIAA 2022-1037
  3. Ramaswamy H, AA Oberai, M Luhar, and YC Yortsos (2021) Understanding the R0 of pandemics, In 42nd Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering (XLII CILAMCE) and the 3rd Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics (III PANACM), Nov 2021, Paper 9449.
  4. Hekmati A, M Luhar, B Krishnamachari, and M Matarić (2021) Simulation-based analysis of COVID-19 spread through classroom transmission on a university campus, In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops) (pp. 1-6).
  5. Hermes M*, T McLaughlin, M Luhar and Q Nguyen (2021) Locomotion and Control of a Friction-Driven Tripedal Robot, In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (pp. 2170-2176)
  6. Krishna CV*, M Wang, M Hemati, and M Luhar (2019) Fusion of physics-based models with field measurements for turbulent flow reconstruction, Eleventh International Symposium of Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-11)
  7. Chavarin A*, C Efstathiou*, S Vijay*, and M Luhar (2019) Resolvent-based design and experimental testing of porous materials for passive turbulence control, Eleventh International Symposium of Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-11)
  8. MacPhee DW and M Luhar (2018) Asymmetric buckling of curved flapping wings, AIAA 2018-3079
  9. Li Y, P Hu, H Mao, M Hermes*, L Zhang, H Lim, M Luhar, J Yoon, Y Chen, and W Wu (2017) Multi-Scale Manufacture for Bio-Inspired Structure Enabled by Variable Voxel Stereolithography, IEEE-Nano, 230-231
  10. Efstathiou C* and M Luhar (2017) Turbulent boundary layer measurements over permeable surfaces, Tenth International Symposium of Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-10)
  11. M Luhar (2017) Low-order models for turbulent flows over complex walls, Tenth International Symposium of Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-10)
  12. Rosenberg K, S Duvvuri, M Luhar, BJ McKeon, C Barnard, B Freidkes, J Meloy, and M Sheplak (2016) Phase relationships between velocity, wall pressure, and wall shear stress in a forced turbulent boundary layer, AIAA 2016-4396
  13. Luhar M, AS Sharma and BJ McKeon (2015) On the design of optimal compliant walls for turbulence control, Ninth International Symposium of Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-9)
  14. Sharma A, R Moarref, M Luhar, DB Goldstein, and BJ McKeon (2014) Effect of a gain-based optimal forcing on turbulent channel flow, AIAA 2014-1450
  15. Luhar M, AS Sharma, and BJ McKeon (2013) A systems approach to modeling opposition control in turbulent pipe flow, AIAA 2013-2481
  16. Luhar M, AS Sharma, and BJ McKeon (2013) Wall pressure fluctuations induced by coherent structures in turbulent pipe flow, Eighth International Symposium of Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-8)