2024 Future of Facts in Latin America Thematic Cluster Published in Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology, and Society
Introduction: Andrea Ballestero, Kregg Hetherington, and Eden Medina, Los hechos nunca andan solos: the future of facts in Latin America
Alex Nading, Disposability, social security, and the facts of work in Nicaragua’s sugarcane zone
Andrea Ballestero, The persistence of long facts: truth and consequence in Costa Rica’s aquifers
Diana Bocarejo, Commoning practices: the political significance of facts
Eden Medina, Knowledge and ignorance in forensic identification: the origins of a contested human rights fact
Eduardo Romero Dianderas, Traceable futures: the political temporality of forest facts in Peru’s tropical logging governance
Emily Maguire, Pliable facts and rigorous fictions: the cognitive persuasions of contemporary Latin American science fiction
Gabriela Soto Laveaga, Reshaping the field: technocratic facts, high wheat yields, and the making of an ecological disaster
Ignacio Siles, Edgar Gómez-Cruz, and Rodrigo Muñoz-González, Algorithms as facts and fabrications: ethnographic stories of factishes from the Costa Rican Caribbean
Javiera Araya-Moreno, Melanie Ford, and Katie Ulrich, Fact-making in Latin America: reviewing three ethnographies of truth, doubt, and expertise
Kregg Hetherington, The patent and the freezer: putting agrarian facts in their place
Pablo Gómez, Hechos y Tachas: value, facts, and bodies in the early modern Caribbean
Rosana Castro, Facts from a redemptive future: denial and future anterior politics during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil
Vivette García-Deister, After the fact: An afterword