
Thematic Cluster of full-length journal articles, published in Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology, and Society (2024)

Introduction: Andrea Ballestero, Kregg Hetherington, and Eden Medina, Los hechos nunca andan solos: the future of facts in Latin America

Alex Nading, Disposability, social security, and the facts of work in Nicaragua’s sugarcane zone

Andrea Ballestero, The persistence of long facts: truth and consequence in Costa Rica’s aquifers

Diana Bocarejo, Commoning practices: the political significance of facts

Eden Medina, Knowledge and ignorance in forensic identification: the origins of a contested human rights fact

Eduardo Romero Dianderas, Traceable futures: the political temporality of forest facts in Peru’s tropical logging governance

Emily Maguire, Pliable facts and rigorous fictions: the cognitive persuasions of contemporary Latin American science fiction

Gabriela Soto Laveaga, Reshaping the field: technocratic facts, high wheat yields, and the making of an ecological disaster

Ignacio Siles, Edgar Gómez-Cruz, and Rodrigo Muñoz-González, Algorithms as facts and fabrications: ethnographic stories of factishes from the Costa Rican Caribbean

Javiera Araya-Moreno, Melanie Ford, and Katie Ulrich, Fact-making in Latin America: reviewing three ethnographies of truth, doubt, and expertise

Kregg Hetherington, The patent and the freezer: putting agrarian facts in their place

Pablo Gómez, Hechos y Tachas: value, facts, and bodies in the early modern Caribbean

Rosana Castro, Facts from a redemptive future: denial and future anterior politics during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil

Vivette García-Deister, After the fact: An afterword

Online blog series at Cultural Anthropology‘s Theorizing the Contemporary (2025)

Kregg Hetherington, Andrea Ballestero, and Eden Medina, Introduction: Los Hechos Nunca Andan Solos

Emily Maguire, Imagined Invasions: Between Facts and the Fantastic in Latin American Literature

Katie Ulrich, Sugarcane Poetics and Pleasures

Javiera Araya-Moreno, Hard Data, Soft Facts?

Alex Nading, Toxic Mediation

Jonathan Wald, The Facts are Not Enough

Rosana Castro, The Fact Is Yet to Come

Andrea Ballestero, Borrowing Facts on the Street

Pablo F. Gómez, “En carne propia”: Truth, Facts, and Black Bodies in the Early Spanish Caribbean

Vivette García-Deister, Forensic Facts that Matter

Eduardo Romero Dianderas, Tracing Rainforests (Or a New Condition of Facticity in Amazonia)

Fernando Domínguez Rubio, Afterword: The Promise of Facts