Prospectus Structure

Here is a template for the individual sections that your dissertation prospectus should include, as well as an explanation of what each section should accomplish. Expectations for the format and length of your dissertation prospectus should be discussed with your advisor. They may also ask that you amend this structure to include other sections….Continue Reading Prospectus Structure

Prospectus Planning Questions

One of the most difficult things about writing your prospectus is that there isn’t a clear template for what you’re expected to produce. Some of this is for good reason: different fields/sub-fields handle proposed work differently, expect different levels of engagement with prior scholarship and theory, and demand varying levels of justification of your questions…Continue Reading Prospectus Planning Questions


Whether or not you set goals is between you and your God.  But, if you are going to (and as someone who doesn’t, I think I’d probably be better off if I did) you might as well make them good. Something in between “I need to write X number of words” and “I need to…Continue Reading Goalsetting