Citation Generators (Never Work)

It is a marvel of modern technology that so few things work well.  A marvel made more all the more impressive by how many things work especially poorly–poorly even considering that most things don’t work. Printers don’t work; television remotes don’t work; Microsoft quietly installed some AI garbage on my computer last week and suggested…Continue Reading Citation Generators (Never Work)

APA 7th Edition General Information and Tips

Professors, like many of us, are not always direct when expressing their wants. Nowhere is this more true than when a professor tells you that your paper should adhere to APA formatting/style guidelines. “My professor wants my paper to be in APA style…” When your professor says that your paper has to adhere to APA…Continue Reading APA 7th Edition General Information and Tips

Academic Journals 2/x: Choosing the Right Journal

As a graduate student, you might feel pressure to publish your work in an academic journal ASAP.  Sometimes this pressure will turn into a compulsion to aim for the top journal in your field–you may have heard particularly cantankerous faculty members in your department (they are in every department) claim that publishing in “low quality”…Continue Reading Academic Journals 2/x: Choosing the Right Journal

Academic Journals 1/x: How Things Work

The process of submitting to and hopefully being published in an academic journal can be opaque. Every journal has it’s own rules; different editors communicate (or don’t) differently; and the advice that you receive from different academic advisors might be vague or conflicting. If you’ve been given some hard and fast rules for how-to and…Continue Reading Academic Journals 1/x: How Things Work

APA Style (and other styles that are not APA style) — FAQ

One or more of your professors may have mentioned (presumably in either hushed or frantic tones) that they want the papers you write for their class to adhere to “APA style” or “APA formatting.”  If you had never heard of such a thing, this request may have seemed at once both urgent and deceptively understated,…Continue Reading APA Style (and other styles that are not APA style) — FAQ

Adapting Seminar Papers for Conferences or Publication

Although seminar papers are great places to start workshopping your arguments, they are often too parochial—too narrowly focused; too narrowly tailored to a specific reader—to submit to outside audiences. This handout will give you some suggestions for how to reconceptualize your work and adapt your existing papers for new audiences and venues. Pay particular attention…Continue Reading Adapting Seminar Papers for Conferences or Publication