HDS Certificate Program

HDS Certificate Program

The SC CTSI and Southern California Healthcare Delivery Science Center have developed a series of online courses covering the multifaceted field of Healthcare Delivery Science.

The SC CTSI sponsored the development of these unique training opportunities to foster the professional development of clinician-investigators and translational scientists as they strive to close the knowledge-to-practice gap in our regional healthcare delivery systems. It is part of a larger program in partnership with LA County Department of Health Services that supports research designed to enhance quality, efficiency, and patient-centeredness of care provided by the LAC DHS. Content was guided by published competencies for Learning Health Systems Researchers and by best instructional practices.

Certificate Program Highlights

    • Cutting-Edge Curriculum: Gain a deep understanding of dissemination and implementation science, health systems engineering, informatics, stakeholder engagement, management and more!
    • Expert Faculty: Learn from industry-leading experts from a variety of disciplines.
    • Flexibility: Our program is designed to accommodate working professionals. Take courses on your own schedule.
    • Career Advancement: Enhance your credentials and open doors in healthcare delivery science research, management, administration, consulting, and more! Earn digital badges for each course and a Certificate of Completion when completing ALL courses.


Healthcare Delivery Science Certificate Program for Professionals – $659
Healthcare Delivery Science Certificate Program for Students – $429
Individual courses – from $35 to $160 (see individual course listings below)


USC Events | HDS Center Certificate Program

Healthcare Delivery Science Intro course badge

Introduction to Healthcare Delivery Science

Module 1: Introduction to Healthcare Delivery Science
Instructor – Amy Towfighi, MD, Director, Healthcare Delivery Science Center, Keck School of Medicine of USC, Director, Neurological Services, Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, Professor of Neurology and Population and Public Health Sciences (Clinical Scholar), Keck School of Medicine

Module 2: Dissemination & Implementation Science
Instructors – Barbara Turner, MD, MSED, MACP, and Albert Farias, PhD, MPH, faculty in the USC Gehr Family Center For Health Systems Science And Innovation

Module 3: Health Systems Engineering
Instructor – Shinyi Wu, PhD, Associate Professor of Social Work and Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Southern California

Module 4: Behavioral Economics
Instructor – Jason Doctor, PhD, the Norman Topping National Medical Enterprise Chair in Medicine and Public Policy and Professor of Public Policy, University of Southern California

Module 5: Community Engagement
Instructor – Katrina Kubicek, former SC CTSI Community Engagement Associate Director

Module 6: Informatics for Healthcare Delivery Science
Instructor – Daniella Meeker, PhD, Co-Director of SC CTSI Clinical Research Informatics and Assistant Professor in the Departments of Preventive Medicine and Pediatrics, University of Southern California

Module 7: Team Science
Instructor – Jennifer E. Cross, PhD, Founder and Co-Director for the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, Colorado State University

Cost:  $125

Behavioral Economics course badge

Behavioral Economics
Combines the economics of incentives with psychology’s insights about how people behave under real-world circumstances.

Jason Doctor, PhD, The Norman Topping National Medical Enterprise Chair in Medicine and Public Policy and Professor of Public Policy, USC


    • Preference, Probability, Utility
    • Utility Elicitation
    • Supply and Demand
    • Demand Shifts in Medical Services
    • Biases & Heuristics
    • Prospect Theory

Cost: $160

Dissemination and Implementation course badge

Dissemination & Implementation Science
The intersection of implementation research – the systematic study of how a set of activities and strategies can successfully integrate an evidence-based health intervention in specific settings – and dissemination research – the systematic study of factors that promote successful adoption of an evidence-based intervention by specific stakeholders as well as the larger community, resulting in widespread adoption.

Barbara Turner, MD, MSED, MACP, Professor of Clinical Medicine, USC
Albert Farias, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Population and Public Health Sciences, USC


    • Introduction to Dissemination and Implementation Science
    • Healthcare Stakeholders: Partners in Implementation Research
    • Implementation Science: An Overview of Theories, Models, and Frameworks
    • Evaluating the Evidence Base and Implementation Strategies
    • Implementation Science Methods and Evaluation
    • Methods for Dissemination: Diverse Approaches and Opportunities

Cost: $80

Health Systems Engineering
A discipline that consists of the scientific study and application of systems engineering methods to improve the value of healthcare delivery.

Shinyi Wu, PhD, Associate Professor of Social Work and Industrial and Systems Engineering, USC


    • Introduction to Health Systems Engineering
    • Fundamental processes of systems engineering
    • DMAIC: data-driven improvement
    • Lean Six Sigma
    • Human factors engineering and patient safety
    • Quality improvement
    • Health analytics

Cost: $35

Leadership and Management course badge

Leadership & Management
Introduces the principles and methods of effective leadership in the highly complex industry of healthcare, as well as the leadership and management techniques required to support multidisciplinary teams in improving patient outcomes.

David Logan, PhD, Lecturer in Management and Organization, USC; Co-Founder and Senior Partner, Care 4th
Ashleigh Rodriguez, MSN, MMM, Co-Founder and Senior Partner, Care 4th


    • Principles of Leadership
    • Leading the Future of Healthcare
    • Organizational Leadership
    • Leading High-Performance Teams
    • Intercultural Awareness
    • Leading With Ethic

Cost: $155

Multi-Stakeholder Engagement course badge

Multi-Stakeholder Engagement
The practice of building sustainable and bidirectional partnerships with stakeholders in the healthcare delivery ecosystem, including patients, providers, and researchers.

Jennifer Tsui, PhD, Associate Professor of Population and Public Health Sciences, USC


    • Multi-stakeholder engagement in community, public health, and health care settings
    • Organizational and Participatory Processes in Learning Health Systems Research
    • Adaptation and Dissemination and Implementation in Populations with Health Disparities and Low Resource Settings

Cost: $45

Quality Improvement course badge

Quality Improvement
A framework used by healthcare organizations to systematically improve care. It involves systems thinking, measurement, and analysis to increase quality while reducing costs.

Robert Lloyd, PhD, Director of Performance Improvement for the Institute for Healthcare Improvement


    • Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge
    • Model for Improvement
    • PDSA Cycles
    • Run Charts
    • Driver Diagrams
    • Static Vs. Dynamic Data
    • Flowcharts
    • Control Charts
    • Family Measures
    • Cause and Effect Diagrams
    • Divergent and Convergent Thinking
    • Force Field Analysis
    • Pareto Analysis

Cost: $40

Research Methods course badge

Research Methods
Fundamental principles of study design and analysis for healthcare delivery science projects. Examples and step-by-step guidance support grant proposal development.

Amytis Towfighi, MD, HDS Center Director, USC
Wendy J. Mack, PhD, Professor of Population and Public Health Sciences, USC
Rachel R. Ceasar, PhD, Assistant Professor of Population and Public Health Sciences, USC


    • Study Design, Research Question & Specific Aims
    • Data Analysis Plan
    • Qualitative and Mixed Methods

Cost: $35