
Affiliated USC Faculty

Murali Annavaram

Personal Website: http://scip-lab.usc.edu/

Research Interests: Superconductive computing, ML systems, memory & storage acceleration, security & privacy

Peter Beerel

Personal Website: https://sites.usc.edu/eessc/people/

Research Interests: CAD, VSLI, ML

Paul Bogdan

Personal Website: https://cps.usc.edu/

Research Interests: Cyber-physical systems, networked embedded systems, theoretical, applied machine learning

Keith Chugg

Personal Website: https://hal.usc.edu/chugg/

Research Interests: Deep learning, signal processing, and wireless communication

Jyotirmoy Deshmukh

Personal Website: https://jdeshmukh.github.io/

Research Interests: Formal methods, verification & validation, testing, multi-agent systems, cyber-physical systems

Bhaskar Krishnamachari

Personal Website: https://ceng.usc.edu/~bkrishna/

Research Interests: Next-generation wireless networks, blockchain technologies, applied machine learning

Viktor Prasanna

Personal Website: https://sites.usc.edu/prasanna/

Research Interests: Parallel computing, FPGAs, ML & AI acceleration, data science

Cauligi Raghavendra

Personal Website: https://sites.usc.edu/raghu/

Research Interests: Computer networks, wireless and sensor networks, ML for health

Phebe Vayanos

Personal Website: https://sites.google.com/usc.edu/phebevayanos/?pli=1

Research Interests: Data driven optimization, game theory, fairness in ML