

March 20, 2023:  Yusheng Jiao defends his thesis — Congratulations Yusheng!

March 20, 2023: Sina Heydari defends his thesis — Congratulations Sina!

February 2023: Yusheng’s work on zebrafish evasion is published in PNAS and picked up in Viterbi and other news outlets


November 2022: Eva elected APS Fellow

November 20-22, 2022:   Kanso Lab participates in the 2022 APS DFD Meeting

September 2022: Feng Ling graduates and joins the lab of Dr. Janna Nawroth at the Helmholtz Pioneer Campus in Munich — Congratulations Feng!

September 2022: Feng and Anup’s work on the emergent coordination and fluid pumping in ciliary carpets is published in PNAS and picked up in news outlets.

Spring 2022: Jingyi Liu passes her qualifying exam — Congratulations Jingyi!

Spring 2022: Chenchen Huang passes his qualifying exam — Congratulations Chenchen!


Summer 2021: Eva holds the Chaire Juliot for Visiting Professors at the Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles

August 2021: Eva joins the National Science Foundation as a Program Director of the Dynamics, Control, and Systems Diagnostics (DCSD) Program in the CMMI Division of the Engineering Directorate.

Fall 2021: Anup Kanale defends his PhD thesis — Congratulations Anup!

November 21-23, 2021:   Kanso Lab participates in the 2021 APS DFD Meeting

November 22, 2021:   Eva is Invited Speaker at the 2021 APS DFD Meeting


November 21-24, 2020:   Kanso Lab participates in the 2020 APS DFD Virtual Meeting

November 20, 2020:  Kanso presents on “Ciliary Coordination” in the Fluid Mechanics Webinar Series

October 1, 2020:  Yi Man’s work on the Multisynchrony in Active Microfilaments is published in PRL and featured as an Editors Suggestion and in the USC Viterbi Magazine

October 20, 2020: Our work on sea star behavior is featured in KQED Deep Look

October 20, 2020: Accompanying YouTube Video: PBS KQED Deep Look: Ever seen a sea star gallop

Spring 2020: Eva’s story featured in the USC Viterbi Magazine Wanderer, there is no road


January 2019: Eva featured in the AUB Alumni Spotlight


April 2018: USC News

NPR Joe’s Big Idea


Eurekalert Science News

PNAS In this Issue

Nature, Lab Animal