
The Landscape Futures Lab deploys a mutiscalar futures framework which recognizes environmental, organismal, and human health and wellbeing as fundamentally entangled and interdependent.

Landscape Futures Lab is a design-research platform directed by Dr. Aroussiak Gabrielian at the School of Architecture that serves as an incubator for climate innovation and imagination. Working concurrently at two fundamentally different scales – design of ecological systems at the territorial scale and biological design at the material scale – the Landscape Futures Lab advances projects that address our multilayered environmental challenges in ways that mutually benefit humans, other species, and the physical environment, with the aim of designing more vibrant and ethical futures. The lab brings together faculty from critical disciplines across USC, including from the Department of Computational Biology (biological science), the Spatial Sciences Institute (soil science), The Natural History Museum (urban ecology), Thornton School of Music (sound studies), the School of Cinematic Arts (interactive media), and industry partners – from Technology to Futurology – to develop multimodal and multi-scalar research that explores the implications and applications of technology within the biophysical world and establishes experimental methodologies with which to generate alternatives to our current environmental trajectories and the existential threats we now face.

Mailing Address

Landscape Futures Lab
USC School of Architecture
Graduate Program in Landscape Architecture + Urbanism
Watt Hall, Suite 321
Los Angeles, California

Google Map