Optimization principles of hemiparetic gait
Hemiparesis, defined as unilateral muscle weakness, often occurs in people post-stroke or people with cerebral palsy, however it is difficult to understand how this hemiparesis affects movement patterns as it often presents alongside a variety of other neuromuscular impairments. Predictive musculoskeletal modeling presents an opportunity to investigate how impairments affect gait performance assuming a particular cost function. Here, we use predictive simulation to quantify the spatiotemporal asymmetries and changes to metabolic cost that emerge when muscle strength is unilaterally reduced and how reducing spatiotemporal symmetry affects metabolic cost.
Task-oriented identification of motor modules
Deficits in motor control, such as an inability to selectively coordinate muscles, frequently occur after
stroke and can impair both upper and lower extremity function. Electromyography can be used to capture motor modules, which represent patterns of muscle activity can be flexibly combined to produce a motor behavior. Changes in the composition of these modules correlates with gait deficits after stroke and
improvements during recovery. Here, we are developing a novel method of motor module extraction to illuminate stroke-related coordination changes free of confounding differences in dynamics during task execution. These task-oriented motor modules are capable of reconstructing both observed EMG patterns and limb kinetics, linking patterns of motor commands to their resulting kinetic outcomes.
Bayesian inference in musculoskeletal modeling
Musculoskeletal modeling is currently a preferred method for estimating the muscle forces that underlie observed movements. However, these estimates are sensitive to a variety of assumptions and uncertainties, which creates difficulty when trying to interpret the muscle forces from musculoskeletal simulations. We are interested in developing an approach that uses Bayesian inference to identify plausible ranges of muscle forces while capturing the uncertainty in the measurement of the motion and the objective function used to solve the muscle redundancy problem.
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Toward a Mechanistic Understanding of Optimization Principles Underlying Hemiparetic Gait
PI: James M. Finley, Ph.D.
Dates: 2017-2023