The Locomotor Control Lab is located in the College of Health Professions on USC’s Health Sciences Campus. The lab contains an 11-camera Qualisys Oqus motion capture system with a 64-channel A/D board, a Bertec Fully Instrumented Dual-Belt Treadmill with dual, 6-DOF force platforms, an 11-meter walkway with two AMTI OR6 force platforms, a NIRX NIRScout near-infrared spectroscopy system with 8 sources and 16 detectors, a LiteGait I body-weight support system, a 16-channel Delsys Trigno Wireless EMG system, a Perception Neuron inertial motion capture system, a ParvoMedics True One 2400 Metabolic Cart, a Digitimer DS7A Constant Current Stimulator, two Oculus Rift head-mounted displays, and one HTC Vive head-mounted display.
The lab is equipped with seven workstations that each have access to the following software: Qualisys Track Manager motion capture software, Visual 3D modeling and analysis software, Matlab, OpenSim, the Unity 3D game engine, SPSS statistical analysis software, R statistical analysis software, Microsoft Office, and the Adobe Creative Suite. The lab also has a digital lab manual stored on a private wiki which holds instructions for the proper use of Lab Equipment and Lab Software, steps for Data Collection and Processing, and a link to an interactive Lab Calendar.