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Soft Engineering

We develop novel approaches to study the nonlinear deformation of soft active materials and to develop the design and optimization of soft actuators and sensors. Below are a few sample projects for reference.

Liquid Crystal Elastomers

Liquid crystal elastomers (LCEs) are innovative materials that merge the mechanical flexibility of elastomers with the directional properties of liquid crystals. By combining polymer chains with liquid crystal molecules, LCEs exhibit responsive behavior to stimuli like temperature, electric fields, and mechanical forces. This unique blend of properties opens up diverse applications in soft robotics, adaptive optics, and tunable lenses, offering promising possibilities in technology advancement. Our research focuses on understanding the mechanical response of LCEs and exploring novel applications in engineering, life, and medicine.

Related publications:

Ahmadi, A., Maghsoodi, N., 2024, “Crease instability of Nematic Elastomers”, Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 105870. Article Link.

Maghsoodi, N., Bhattacharya, K., 2024, “Adhesion of a nematic elastomer cylinder”, Soft MattersArticle Link.

Maghsoodi, A., Saed, M. O., Terentjev, E. M., Bhattacharya, K. 2023, “Softening of the Hertz Indentation Contact in Nematic Elastomers”, Extreme Mechanics Letters, Volume 63, 2023, 102060, ISSN 2352-4316, Article Link.

Photomechanical Liquid Crystal Elastomers

Photomechanical liquid crystal elastomers (LCEs) are responsive polymers that can convert light directly into mechanical deformation. This unique feature makes these materials an attractive candidate for soft actuators capable of remote and multi-mode actuation. We will develop dynamic models to elucidate how photomechanical LCEs deform in response to light and how to optimize their dynamic performance.

Related publications:

Maghsoodi, N., Bhattacharya, K., 2024, “Optical penetration depth and periodic motion of a photomechanical strip.” Extreme Mechanics LetterVolume 73, December 2024, 102244Article Link.

Maghsoodi, A., Bhattacharya, K., 2022, “Light-induced Swirling and Locomotion”, Proceedings of the Royal Society A 478.2267: 20220545, Article Link.

Myers JD, Rhonehouse DL, Chin GD, Moore A, Clabeau A, Frantz JA, Bekele RY, Lam K, Lui BF, Bardeen CJ, Maghsoodi N , Sanghera JS, 2024, “Photoinduced bending in bimorph optical fibers”, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 41(9), 2175-2180, Article Link.