Ray, Deep, Orazio Pinti, and Assad A. Oberai. “Deep Learning and Computational Physics (Lecture Notes).” arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.00942 (2023). (
Journal Articles
- Rosen, D. P., Nayak, R., Wang, Y., Gendin, D., Larson, N. B., Fazzio, R. T., … & Fatemi, M. (2023). A Force-Matched Approach to Large-Strain Nonlinearity in Elasticity Imaging for Breast Lesion Characterization. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
- Zhuang, B., Gencturk, B., Asareh, I., Oberai, A., Ramaswamy, H., Meyer, R., … & Taubman, M. (2023). Development and experimental verification of an active noise cancellation (ANC) method for non-invasive sensing. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 196, 110330.
- Raman, A. G., Fisher, D., Yap, F., Oberai, A., & Duddalwar, V. A. (2023). Radiomics and Artificial Intelligence: Renal Cell Carcinoma. Urologic Clinics.
- Rich, J. M., Bhardwaj, L. N., Shah, A., Gangal, K., Rapaka, M. S., Oberai, A. A., … & Duddalwar, V. A. (2023). Deep learning image segmentation approaches for malignant bone lesions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Radiology, 3.
- Hu, H., Ma, Y., Gao, X., Song, D., Li, M., Huang, H., … & Xu, S. (2023). Stretchable ultrasonic arrays for the three-dimensional mapping of the modulus of deep tissue. Nature Biomedical Engineering, 1-14.
- Murgoitio-Esandi, J., Xu, B. Y., Song, B. J., Zhou, Q., & Oberai, A. A. (2023). A Mechanistic Model of Aqueous Humor Flow to Study Effects of Angle Closure on Intraocular Pressure. Translational Vision Science & Technology, 12(1), 16-16.
- Cacciamani, Giovanni E., Timothy N. Chu, Daniel I. Sanford, Andre Abreu, Vinay Duddalwar, Assad Oberai, C-C. Jay Kuo et al. “PRISMA AI reporting guidelines for systematic reviews and meta-analyses on AI in healthcare.” Nature Medicine (2023): 1-2.
- Song, D., Oberai, A. A., & Janmey, P. A. (2022). Hyperelastic continuum models for isotropic athermal fibrous networks. Interface Focus, 12(6), 20220043.
- Patel, D. V., Ray, D., & Oberai, A. A. (2022). Solution of physics-based Bayesian inverse problems with deep generative priors. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 400, 115428.
- Zhang, J., Murgoitio-Esandi, J., Qian, X., Li, R., Gong, C., Nankali, A., … & Zhou, Q. (2022). High-Frequency Ultrasound Elastography to Assess the Nonlinear Elastic Properties of the Cornea and Ciliary Body. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 69(9), 2621-2629.
- Raad, R., Patel, D., Hsu, C. C., Kothapalli, V., Ray, D., Varghese, B., … & Oberai, A. A. (2022). Probabilistic medical image imputation via deep adversarial learning. Engineering with Computers, 1-12.
- Luhar, M., Oberai, A. A., Fokas, A. S., & Yortsos, Y. C. (2022). Accounting for super-spreader events and algebraic decay in SIR models. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 115286.
- Pinti, O., Oberai, A. A., Healy, R., Niemiec, R. J., & Gandhi, F. (2022). Multi-Fidelity Approach to Predicting Multi-Rotor Aerodynamic Interactions. AIAA Journal, 60(6), 3894-3908.
- Patel, D. V., & Oberai, A. A. (2021). GAN-Based Priors for Quantifying Uncertainty in Supervised Learning. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 9(3), 1314-1343.
- Lei, M., Varghese, B., Hwang, D., Cen, S., Lei, X., Desai, B., … & Duddalwar, V. (2021). Benchmarking Various Radiomic Toolkit Features While Applying the Image Biomarker Standardization Initiative toward Clinical Translation of Radiomic Analysis. Journal of Digital Imaging, 34(5), 1156-1170.
- Nassiri, N., Maas, M., Cacciamani, G., Varghese, B., Hwang, D., Lei, X., … & Duddalwar, V. A. (2021). A Radiomic-based Machine Learning Algorithm to Reliably Differentiate Benign Renal Masses from Renal Cell Carcinoma. European Urology Focus.
- Yang, F., Chandra, A., Zhang, Y., Tendulkar, S., Nastasia, R., Oberai, A. A., … & Sahni, O. (2021). A parallel interface tracking approach for evolving geometry problems. Engineering with Computers, 1-17.
- Patel, D., Kher, V., Desai, B. et al. Machine learning based predictors for COVID-19 disease severity. Sci Rep 11, 4673 (2021).
- Varghese, B. A., Shin, H., Desai, B., Gholamrezanezhad, A., Lei, X., Perkins, M., … & Duddalwar, V. (2021). Predicting clinical outcomes in COVID-19 using radiomics on chest radiographs. The British Journal of Radiology, 94(1126), 20210221.
- Ramaswamy, H., Oberai, A. A., & Yortsos, Y. C. (2020). A comprehensive spatial-temporal infection model. Chemical Engineering Science, 116347.
- Gendin, D. I., Nayak, R., Wang, Y., Bayat, M., Fazzio, R. T., Oberai, A. A., … & Fatemi, M. (2020). Repeatability of linear and nonlinear elastic modulus maps from repeat scans in the breast. IEEE transactions on medical imaging.
- Oberai, A., Varghese, B., Cen, S., Angelini, T., Hwang, D., Gill, I., … & Duddalwar, V. (2020). Deep learning based classification of solid lipid-poor contrast enhancing renal masses using contrast enhanced CT. The British journal of radiology, 93(1111), 20200002.
- Yap, F. Y., Varghese, B. A., Cen, S. Y., Hwang, D. H., Lei, X., Desai, B., … & Duddalwar, V. A. (2020). Shape and texture-based radiomics signature on CT effectively discriminates benign from malignant renal masses. European Radiology, 1-11.
- Song, D., Seidl, D. T., & Oberai, A. A. (2020). Three-dimensional traction microscopy accounting for cell-induced matrix degradation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 364, 112935.
- Song, D., Dong, L., Gupta, M., Li, L., Klaas, O., Loghin, A., … & Oberai, A. A. (2020). Recovery of Tractions Exerted by Singe Cells in Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Matrices. Journal of biomechanical engineering, 142(8).
- Ramaswamy, H., Dey, S., & Oberai, A. A. (2020). Material parameter optimization for interior and exterior fluid‐structure acoustic problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 121(24), 5568-5589.
- Chandra, A., Liang, Z., Oberai, A. A., Sahni, O., & Keblinski, P. On the applicability of continuum scale models for ultrafast nanoscale liquid-vapor phase change. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 135, 103508.
- Patel, D. V., Bonam, R. K., & Oberai, A. A. (2020). Deep learning-based detection, classification, and localization of defects in semiconductor processes. Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, 19(2), 024801.
- Hugenberg NR, Dong L, Cooper Jr JA, Corr D, Oberai AA. Characterization of Spatially-Graded Biomechanical Scaffolds. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 2020 Jan 1.
- Misiorowski M, Gandhi F, Oberai AA. Computational Study on Rotor Interactional Effects for a Quadcopter in Edgewise Flight. AIAA Journal. 2019 Aug 23:1-1.
- Misiorowski, Matthew P., Farhan S. Gandhi, and Assad A. Oberai. “Computational Analysis and Flow Physics of a Ducted Rotor in Edgewise Flight.” Journal of the American Helicopter Society 64.4 (2019): 1-14.
- Zhang Y, Chandra A, Yang F, Shams E, Sahni O, Shephard M, Oberai AA. A locally discontinuous ALE finite element formulation for compressible phase change problems. Journal of Computational Physics. 2019 Sep 15;393:438-64.
- Yoon C, Choi C, Stapleton S, Mirabella T, Howes C, Dong L, King J, Yang J, Oberai A, Eyckmans J, Chen CS. Myosin IIA–mediated forces regulate multicellular integrity during vascular sprouting. Molecular biology of the cell. 2019 Jul 22;30(16):1974-84.
- Patel D, Tibrewala R, Vega A, Dong L, Hugenberg N, Oberai AA. Circumventing the solution of inverse problems in mechanics through deep learning: Application to elasticity imaging. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2019 Aug 15;353:448-66.
- Granzow, Brian N., Assad A. Oberai, and Mark S. Shephard. “An automated approach for parallel adjoint-based error estimation and mesh adaptation.” Engineering with Computers (2019): 1-20.
- Seidl DT, Oberai AA, Barbone PE. The Coupled Adjoint-State Equation in forward and inverse linear elasticity: Incompressible plane stress. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2019 Dec 1;357:112588.
- Chandra A, Keblinski P, Sahni O, Oberai AA. A continuum framework for modeling liquid-vapor interfaces out of local thermal equilibrium. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019 Dec 1;144:118597.
- Song D, Hugenberg N, Oberai AA. Three-dimensional traction microscopy with a fiber-based constitutive model. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2019 Dec 1;357:112579.
- Dong L, Wijesinghe P, Sampson DD, Kennedy BF, Munro PR, Oberai AA. Volumetric quantitative optical coherence elastography with an iterative inversion method. Biomedical Optics Express. 2019 Feb 1;10(2):384-98.
- Granzow BN, Oberai AA, Shephard MS. Adjoint-based error estimation and mesh adaptation for stabilized finite deformation elasticity. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2018 Aug 1;337:263-80.
- Misiorowski MP, Gandhi FS, Oberai AA. Computational Study of Diffuser Length on Ducted Rotor Performance in Edgewise Flight. AIAA Journal. 2018 Dec 31;57(2):796-808.
- Hull R, Keblinski P, Lewis D, Maniatty A, Meunier V, Oberai AA, Picu CR, Samuel J, Shephard MS, Tomozawa M, Vashishth D. Stochasticity in materials structure, properties, and processing—A review. Applied physics reviews. 2018 Mar 7;5(1):011302.
- Li Z, Bloomfield MO, Oberai AA. Simulation of finite-strain inelastic phenomena governed by creep and plasticity. Computational Mechanics. 2018 Sep 1;62(3):323-45.
- Li J, Jagalur-Mohan J, Oberai AA, Sahni O. Stochastic variational multiscale analysis of the advection–diffusion equation: Advective–diffusive regime and multi-dimensional problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2017 Oct 1;325:766-99.
- Granzow BN, Shephard MS, Oberai AA. Output-based error estimation and mesh adaptation for variational multiscale methods. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2017 Aug 1;322:441-59.
- Deng Y, Davis SP, Yang F, Paulsen KS, Kumar M, Sinnott DeVaux R, Wang X, Conklin DS, Oberai A, Herschkowitz JI, Chung AJ. Inertial microfluidic cell stretcher (iMCS): fully automated, high‐throughput, and near real‐time cell mechanotyping. Small. 2017 Jul;13(28):1700705.
- Tyagi M, Wang Y, Hall TJ, Barbone PE, Oberai AA. Improving three‐dimensional mechanical imaging of breast lesions with principal component analysis. Medical physics. 2017 Aug;44(8):4194-203.
- Jadamba B, Khan AA, Oberai AA, Sama M. First-order and second-order adjoint methods for parameter identification problems with an application to the elasticity imaging inverse problem. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering. 2017 Dec 2;25(12):1768-87.
- Simón-Allué R, Calvo B, Oberai AA, Barbone PE. Towards the mechanical characterization of abdominal wall by inverse analysis. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials. 2017 Feb 1;66:127-37.
- Babaniyi OA, Oberai AA, Barbone PE. Direct error in constitutive equation formulation for plane stress inverse elasticity problem. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering. 2017 Feb 1;314:3-18.
- Dong L, Oberai AA. Recovery of cellular traction in three-dimensional nonlinear hyperelastic matrices. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2017 Feb 1;314:296-313.
- Bloomfield MO, Li Z, Granzow B, Ibanez DA, Oberai AA, Hansen GA, Liu XH, Shephard MS. Component-based workflows for parallel thermomechanical analysis of arrayed geometries. Engineering with Computers. 2017 Jul 1;33(3):509-17.
- Liu T, Hall TJ, Barbone PE, Oberai AA. Inferring spatial variations of microstructural properties from macroscopic mechanical response. Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology. 2017 Apr 1;16(2):479-96.
- Zhang Y, Barbone PE, Harari I, Oberai AA. Uniqueness of the interior plane strain time-harmonic viscoelastic inverse problem. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2016 Jul 1;92:345-55.
- Babaniyi OA, Oberai AA, Barbone PE. Recovering vector displacement estimates in quasistatic elastography using sparse relaxation of the momentum equation. Inverse problems in science and engineering. 2017 Mar 4;25(3):326-62.
- Dong L, Wijesinghe P, Dantuono JT, Sampson DD, Munro PR, Kennedy BF, Oberai AA. Quantitative compression optical coherence elastography as an inverse elasticity problem. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 2016 May;22(3):277-87.
- Oberai AA, Hughes TJ. A palette of fine-scale eddy viscosity and residual-based models for variational multiscale formulations of turbulence. Computational Mechanics. 2016 Apr 1;57(4):629-35.
- Oberai AA, Jagalur‐Mohan J. Approximate optimal projection for reduced‐order models. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 2016 Jan 6;105(1):63-80.
- Sondak D, Shadid JN, Oberai AA, Pawlowski RP, Cyr EC, Smith TM. A new class of finite element variational multiscale turbulence models for incompressible magnetohydrodynamics. Journal of Computational Physics. 2015 Aug 15;295:596-616.
- Liu T, Babaniyi OA, Hall TJ, Barbone PE, Oberai AA. Noninvasive in-vivo quantification of mechanical heterogeneity of invasive breast carcinomas. PloS one. 2015 Jul 8;10(7):e0130258.
- Albocher U, Barbone PE, Oberai AA, Harari I. Uniqueness of inverse problems of isotropic incompressible three-dimensional elasticity. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2014 Dec 15;73:55-68.
- Oberai AA, Liu J, Sondak D, Hughes TJ. A residual based eddy viscosity model for the large eddy simulation of turbulent flows. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2014 Dec 1;282:54-70.
- Tyagi M, Goenezen S, Barbone PE, Oberai AA. Algorithms for quantitative quasi‐static elasticity imaging using force data. International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering. 2014 Dec;30(12):1421-36.
- Jagalur Mohan J, Sahni O, Doostan A, Oberai AA. Variational multiscale analysis: the fine-scale Green’s function for stochastic partial differential equations. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification. 2014 Aug 7;2(1):397-422.
- Albocher U, Barbone PE, Richards MS, Oberai AA, Harari I. Approaches to accommodate noisy data in the direct solution of inverse problems in incompressible plane strain elasticity. Inverse problems in science and engineering. 2014 Nov 17;22(8):1307-28.
- Canović EP, Seidl DT, Polio SR, Oberai AA, Barbone PE, Stamenović D, Smith ML. Biomechanical imaging of cell stiffness and prestress with subcellular resolution. Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology. 2014 Jun 1;13(3):665-78.
- Hicken JE, Li J, Sahni O, Oberai AA. Adjoint consistency analysis of residual-based variational multiscale methods. Journal of Computational Physics. 2013 Dec 15;255:396-406.
- Sondak D, Oberai AA. Large eddy simulation models for incompressible magnetohydrodynamics derived from the variational multiscale formulation. Physics of Plasmas. 2012 Oct 24;19(10):102308.
- Jagalur-Mohan J, Feijóo G, Oberai A. A Galerkin least squares method for time harmonic Maxwell equations using Nédélec elements. Journal of Computational Physics. 2013 Feb 15;235:67-81.
- Ferreira ER, Oberai AA, Barbone PE. Uniqueness of the elastography inverse problem for incompressible nonlinear planar hyperelasticity. Inverse problems. 2012 May 1;28(6):065008.
- Liu J, Oberai AA. The residual-based variational multiscale formulation for the large eddy simulation of compressible flows. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2012 Oct 15;245:176-93.
- Ma J, Oberai AA, Drew DA, Lahey RT. A two-way coupled polydispersed two-fluid model for the simulation of air entrainment beneath a plunging liquid jet. Journal of fluids engineering. 2012 Oct 1;134(10):101304.
- McLaughlin J, Oberai A, Yoon JR. Formulas for detecting a spherical stiff inclusion from interior data: a sensitivity analysis for the Helmholtz equation. Inverse Problems. 2012 Jul 30;28(8):084004.
- Goenezen S, Dord JF, Sink Z, Barbone PE, Jiang J, Hall TJ, Oberai AA. Linear and nonlinear elastic modulus imaging: an application to breast cancer diagnosis. IEEE transactions on medical imaging. 2012 Aug;31(8):1628-37.
- Zhang Y, Oberai AA, Barbone PE, Harari I. Solution of the time‐harmonic viscoelastic inverse problem with interior data in two dimensions. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 2012 Dec 28;92(13):1100-16.
- Hall TJ, Barbone PE, Oberai AA, Jiang J, Dord JF, Goenezen S, Fisher TG. Recent results in nonlinear strain and modulus imaging. Current medical imaging reviews. 2011 Nov 1;7(4):313-27.
- Ma J, Oberai AA, Hyman MC, Drew DA, Lahey Jr RT. Two-fluid modeling of bubbly flows around surface ships using a phenomenological subgrid air entrainment model. Computers & Fluids. 2011 Dec 30;52:50-7.
- Ma J, Oberai AA, Lahey RT, Drew DA. Modeling air entrainment and transport in a hydraulic jump using two-fluid RANS and DES turbulence models. Heat and mass transfer. 2011 Aug 1;47(8):911.
- Shore SW, Barbone PE, Oberai AA, Morgan EF. Transversely isotropic elasticity imaging of cancellous bone. Journal of biomechanical engineering. 2011 Jun 1;133(6):061002.
- Bolotnov IA, Jansen KE, Drew DA, Oberai AA, Lahey Jr RT, Podowski MZ. Detached direct numerical simulations of turbulent two-phase bubbly channel flow. International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 2011 Jul 1;37(6):647-59.
- Ma J, Oberai AA, Drew DA, Lahey Jr RT, Hyman MC. A comprehensive sub-grid air entrainment model for RaNS modeling of free-surface bubbly flows. The Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows. 2011 Mar;3(1):41-56.
- Gokhale NH, Barbone PE, Oberai AA. Solution of the nonlinear elasticity imaging inverse problem: the compressible case. Inverse Problems. 2008 Jun 19;24(4):045010.
- Oberai AA, Sondak D. Application of the variational Germano identity to the variational multiscale formulation. International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering. 2011 Feb;27(2):335-44.
- Leiderman R, Oberai AA, Barbone PE. Theory of reconstructing the spatial distribution of the filtration coefficient in vascularized soft tissues: Exact and approximate inverse solutions. Comptes Rendus Mecanique. 2010 Jul 1;338(7-8):412-23.
- Wang Z, Oberai AA. A mixed large eddy simulation model based on the residual-based variational multiscale formulation. Physics of Fluids. 2010 Jul 20;22(7):075107.
- Bolotnov IA, Lahey Jr RT, Drew DA, Jansen KE, Oberai AA. Spectral analysis of turbulence based on the DNS of a channel flow. Computers & Fluids. 2010 Apr 1;39(4):640-55.
- Crescenti RA, Bamber JC, Oberai AA, Barbone PE, Richter JP, Rivas C, Bush NL, Webb S. Quantitative ultrasonic elastography for gel dosimetry. Ultrasound in medicine & biology. 2010 Feb 1;36(2):268-75.
- Ma J, Oberai AA, Drew DA, Lahey Jr RT, Moraga FJ. A quantitative sub-grid air entrainment model for bubbly flows–plunging jets. Computers & Fluids. 2010 Jan 1;39(1):77-86.
- Wang Z, Oberai AA. Spectral analysis of the dissipation of the residual-based variational multiscale method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2010 Feb 1;199(13-16):810-8.
- Barbone PE, Rivas CE, Harari I, Albocher U, Oberai AA, Zhang Y. Adjoint‐weighted variational formulation for the direct solution of inverse problems of general linear elasticity with full interior data. International journal for numerical methods in engineering. 2010 Mar 26;81(13):1713-36.
- Albocher U, Oberai AA, Barbone PE, Harari I. Adjoint-weighted equation for inverse problems of incompressible plane-stress elasticity. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2009 Jun 1;198(30-32):2412-20.
- Oberai AA, Feijóo GR, Barbone PE. Lanczos iterated time-reversal. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2009 Feb 21;125(2):EL70-6.
- Oberai AA, Gokhale NH, Goenezen S, Barbone PE, Hall TJ, Sommer AM, Jiang J. Linear and nonlinear elasticity imaging of soft tissue in vivo: demonstration of feasibility. Physics in Medicine & Biology. 2009 Jan 30;54(5):1191.
- Proper A, Zhang W, Bartolucci S, Oberai AA, Koratkar N. In-situ detection of impact damage in composites using carbon nanotube sensor networks. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters. 2009 Mar 1;1(1):3-7.
- Bolotnov IA, Lahey Jr RT, Drew DA, Jansen KE, Oberai AA. Spectral cascade modeling of turbulent flow in a channel. Japanese Journal of Multiphase Flow. 2009 Jun 15;23(2):190-204.
- Richards MS, Barbone PE, Oberai AA. Quantitative three-dimensional elasticity imaging from quasi-static deformation: a phantom study. Physics in Medicine & Biology. 2009 Jan 9;54(3):757.
- Bolotnov IA, Lahey Jr RT, Drew DA, Jansen KE, Oberai AA. A spectral turbulent cascade model for single-and two-phase uniform shear flows. Journal of Turbulence. 2008 Jan 1(9):N26.
- Oberai AA, Colosqui CE, Wanderer J. Analytical Estimates of the Subgrid Model for Burgers Equation: Ramifications for Spectral Methods for Conservation Laws. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering. 2008;6(4).
- Oberai AA, Wang Z. Optimal numerical solution of PDEs using the variational Germano identity. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering. 2008 Jun 1;197(33-40):2948-62.
- Wanderer J, Oberai AA. A two-parameter variational multiscale method for large eddy simulation. Physics of Fluids. 2008 Aug 26;20(8):085107.
- Gokhale NH, Barbone PE, Oberai AA. Solution of the nonlinear elasticity imaging inverse problem: the compressible case. Inverse Problems. 2008 Jun 19;24(4):045010.
- Colosqui CE, Oberai AA. Generalized Smagorinsky model in physical space. Computers & Fluids. 2008 Mar 1;37(3):207-17.
- Barbone PE, Rivas CE, Harari I, Albocher U, Oberai AA, Zhang Y. Adjoint‐weighted variational formulation for the direct solution of inverse problems of general linear elasticity with full interior data. International journal for numerical methods in engineering. 2010 Mar 26;81(13):1713-36.
- Oberai AA, Barbone PE, Harari I. The adjoint weighted equation for steady advection in a compressible fluid. International journal for numerical methods in fluids. 2007 Jun 30;54(6‐8):683-93.
- Barbone PE, Oberai AA. Elastic modulus imaging: some exact solutions of the compressible elastography inverse problem. Physics in Medicine & Biology. 2007 Feb 16;52(6):1577.
- Leiderman R, Barbone PE, Oberai AA, Bamber JC. Coupling between elastic strain and interstitial fluid flow: ramifications for poroelastic imaging. Physics in Medicine & Biology. 2006 Nov 21;51(24):6291.
- Oberai AA, Wanderer J. A dynamic multiscale viscosity method for the spectral approximation of conservation laws. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering. 2006 Feb 15;195(13-16):1778-92.
- Oberai AA, Wanderer J. Variational formulation of the Germano identity for the Navier–Stokes equations. Journal of Turbulence. 2005 Jan 1(6):N7.
- Oberai AA, Wanderer J. A dynamic approach for evaluating parameters in a numerical method. International journal for numerical methods in engineering. 2005 Jan 7;62(1):50-71.
- Naka Y, Oberai AA, Shinn-Cunningham BG. Acoustic eigenvalues of rectangular rooms with arbitrary wall impedances using the interval Newton∕ generalized bisection method. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2005 Dec;118(6):3662-71.
- Oberai, A.A., Gokhale, N.H., Doyley, M.M. and Bamber, J.C., 2004. Evaluation of the adjoint equation based algorithm for elasticity imaging. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 49(13), p.2955.
- Holmen, J., Hughes, T.J., Oberai, A.A. and Wells, G.N., 2004. Sensitivity of the scale partition for variational multiscale large-eddy simulation of channel flow. Physics of Fluids, 16(3), pp.824-827.
- Feijóo, G.R., Oberai, A.A. and Pinsky, P.M., 2003. An application of shape optimization in the solution of inverse acoustic scattering problems. Inverse problems, 20(1), p.199.
- Wagner, M.M., Pinsky, P.M., Oberai, A.A. and Malhotra, M., 2003. A Krylov subspace projection method for simultaneous solution of Helmholtz problems at multiple frequencies. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, 192(41-42), pp.4609-4640.
- Oberai, A.A., Gokhale, N.H. and Feijóo, G.R., 2003. Solution of inverse problems in elasticity imaging using the adjoint method. Inverse problems, 19(2), p.297.
- Hughes, T.J. and Oberai, A.A., 2003. Calculation of shear stresses in the Fourier–Galerkin formulation of turbulent channel flows: projection, the Dirichlet filter and conservation. Journal of Computational Physics, 188(1), pp.281-295.
- Oberai, A.A., Roknaldin, F. and R. Hughes, T.J., 2002. Computation of trailing-edge noise due to turbulent flow over an airfoil. AIAA journal, 40(11), pp.2206-2216.
- Feijoo, G.R., Malhotra, M., Oberai, A.A. and Pinsky, P.M., 2001. Shape sensitivity calculations for exterior acoustics problems. Engineering computations, 18(3/4), pp.376-393.
- Hughes, T.J., Oberai, A.A. and Mazzei, L., 2001. Large eddy simulation of turbulent channel flows by the variational multiscale method. Physics of fluids, 13(6), pp.1784-1799.
- Hughes, T.J., Mazzei, L., Oberai, A.A. and Wray, A.A., 2001. The multiscale formulation of large eddy simulation: Decay of homogeneous isotropic turbulence. Physics of fluids, 13(2), pp.505-512.
- Oberai, A.A., Roknaldin, F. and Hughes, T.J., 2000. Computational procedures for determining structural-acoustic response due to hydrodynamic sources. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 190(3-4), pp.345-361.
- Oberai, A.A. and Pinsky, P.M., 2000. A numerical comparison of finite element methods for the Helmholtz equation. Journal of computational Acoustics, 8(01), pp.211-221.
- Oberai, A.A. and Pinsky, P.M., 2000. A residual‐based finite element method for the Helmholtz equation. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 49(3), pp.399-419.
- Oberai, A.A., Malhotra, M. and Pinsky, P.M., 1998. On the implementation of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann radiation condition for iterative solution of the Helmholtz equation. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 27(4), pp.443-464.
- Oberai, A.A. and Pinsky, P.M., 1998. A multiscale finite element method for the Helmholtz equation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 154(3-4), pp.281-297.
Chapters in Books
- Wijesinghe, P., Chin, L., Oberai, A. A., & Kennedy, B. F. Tissue Mechanics. Kennedy, B. F. (Ed.). (2021). Optical Coherence Elastography: Imaging Tissue Mechanics on the Micro-Scale.
- Tendulkar, S. et al. (2022). Geometry and Adaptive Mesh Update Procedures for Ballistics Simulations. In: Sevilla, R., Perotto, S., Morgan, K. (eds) Mesh Generation and Adaptation. SEMA SIMAI Springer Series, vol 30. Springer, Cham.
- Validation of Quantitative Linear and Nonlinear Compression Elastography. JF Dord, S Goenezen, AA Oberai, PE Barbone, J Jiang, TJ Hall and T Pavan. Nenadic, I.Z., Urban, M.W., Greenleaf, J.F., Gennisson, J.L., Bernal, M. and Tanter, M. eds., 2018. Ultrasound Elastography for Biomedical Applications and Medicine. Wiley.
- Introduction to Quasistatic Elastography, Paul E. Barbone, Timothy J. Hall, and Assad A. Oberai. Chapter 4 in Tissue Elasticity Imaging, Vol. 1, S. Kaisar Alam and Brian Garra editors, Elsevier, 2019.
- Ultrasound Elastography. Timothy J. Hall, Assad A. Oberai, Paul E. Barbone and Matthew Bayer, a chapter in Ultrasound Imaging and Therapy, a volume in the Imaging in Medical Diagnosis and Therapy (WR Hendee) series, published by CRC, Editors: Aaron Fenster, James C. Lacefield, 2014.
- Nonlinear and Poroelastic Biomechanical Imaging: elastography beyond Young’s modulus. P.E. Barbone, A.A. Oberai, J.C. Bamber, G.P. Berry, J.F. Dord, E. Rodrigues Ferreira, S. Goenezen, T.J. Hall, Handbook of Imaging in Biological Mechanics, CRC Press and Taylor & Francis, Editors: Corey Neu and Guy Genin, 2014.
- A Review of the Mathematical and Computational Foundations of Biomechanical Imaging. Paul E. Barbone and Assad A. Oberai, chapter in Computational Modeling in Biomechanics, 2010, Part 4, 375-408.
- Optimum design of echogenic needles for ultrasound guided nerve block. Assad Oberai, Yun Jing, Robert Bocala, and Paul Bigeleisen, chapter in Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine: Techniques and Tips, 2009, published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- The Variational Multiscale Formulation of LES with Application to Turbulent Channel Flows. T.J.R. Hughes and A.A. Oberai, chapter in Geometry, Mechanics and Dynamics, Volume in Honor of the 60th Birthday of J.E.Marsden, 2003.